Fingers crossed.

Dec 06, 2010 02:10

So..the audition was tonite.

For maybe 6 hours prior, i was a ball of nerves and not OMG i can't do this nervous, but just excited to go. It was like the kind of excited i got when i was a kid, and the fair came to town. Seriously.

So I get there and am greeted by a bunch of 17-22 year olds bouncing off the walls. Typical theatre antics during wait times for anything. People know one another for school and previous plays so, i find myself the corner of new people and introduce myself, bcs it sucks to be nervous standing next to another nervous person while the seasoned types flit about like they own the place.

I met five or six cool girls, of which i can't remember their names; sorry brain.

WE did the dance audition and WOW, considering my arthritis, I did GREAT but there was a lot of sitting during the wait time explaining the proceeding dance steps. I have perfect the chairdancing so getting up and applying it wasn't THAT hard.

We did a 20 minute dance to "the Highschool Hop" from grease,and then we had a break, got into groups, did the dance audition, and then had another break before singing and reading.

The dance: I messed up a LITTLE on the end part, but the thing with musical theatre, is to be enthused and LOOK it. so there i was with my smile i apparently had "Jive" as i heard one of the judges say pointing at me. But i mean how can you NOT jive the mashpotato and the jerk?

So if -i- had to rank my dancing on 10, i'd say 8

Now for the singing...i sing every day at home so, i don't really put any thought towards specifics of singing, i just do it. The look of O.O on the faces of the pannel when they asked me my range and then had me singin it.. is not the first time i've had that reaction so, i'm SUPER curious now...How rare is a chick tenor/bass? My range goes from alto to bass an di'm comfy in tenor. I don't understand how or why wheni do sinign auitions the panel reaction is O.O wow, and then today the actual music coordinator, bcs I wrote my range down, says "you aint kiddin"

So I think i did well on the singing.

The cld read..? No doubt about it i did AWESOME. this was the actual part of the audition that I was pissing my pants about. I haven't done a cold read audition in a LONG time. It was always memorize a monologue, show us whatchu got, thanks and wait for the callback.

When I'm home reading, I sometimes do it out loud to myself, because yes, in a way, i miss theatre THAT much that I end up doing my own cold reads but, I was always REALLY scared about how i'd measure up...Turns out I'm a fighter and a good one at that.

The last ha-ha of the day was the look of O.O when they saw how old I was...Apparently they thought i was like 23...I guess from the base age being 17-23 but the production call said 29 was the cut of so...

There's a part I want and I don't know what I'll get but I do want to be in this. This has also solidified a few wonderings on my part...I really want to act... I really do, and maybe i'm not too old.

So now...we wait for the cast list. I was told callbacks don't necessarily mean a yes or a no, and that I could even get called back after they hand me specific songs to sing so.. My eyes will be on my email, for as long as I have the connection. I haven't pad this months bcs i'm broke. My ad uses the internet as much as I do and I've asked him to pay this months...I doubt that's gonna happen.

So we play the waiting game, and I hope that something good comes out of this, regardless.
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