Nov 04, 2010 01:57
So I was thinking[sometimes a little dangerous pastime for me to partake in but whutevz] And I was wondering, since angels are borne from the same source energy = love=God, when Castiel kills his brethren can't he feel -where- they go back to or, does he simply feel them return, period?
Bcs the thing is, that's what some [if not many judeo christian texts] say dying is[ returning to The Father/ The Light], when and if you've lived your god fearin and god rearin kinda life, you go back to the Father, or is that exclussive to humans?
I'm just wondering that if these angelic energies go back to The Father, then i'm not sure how this leap happens but, couldn't it happen that the only other "angel" to see these energies return to anything be Lucifer? If this is possible, with how many angels have been chopped down up there, wouldnt that give Lucifer a flipbook detail on where God is? And so maybe the war isn't between heaven and hell. What if it's just between whatever side is closest to finding god, and stopping them...? maybe that's why these alpha thingies are happening, and this could put Sam back on the chopping block of Fate.... Then Raphael would want to stop Lucifer from finding God, if only so he could declare kingship in heaven, and then Death could hop in and want Lucifer to find God, to set things right again so that Death can have his dayjob and his ring back[we know Dean has Deaths ring from LAST SEASON]...and his first order of business would have to be taking Sams final mortality..? This all only stands on my last what if.
What if Sams soul isn't "lost", what if he's somehow fused with Lucifer in the cage[ when Sam fel into the pit LAST SEASON] and the reason why he cant feel or nothin is because that part of him is down there with Luce....? So sam would still be soul-less but, it wouldn't be "lost"
LOL yes, these are the tings that keep me up at night, and yes, i know it's JUST a t.v show