Sep 03, 2004 23:30
I got most of my "need to get done asap" things.... fixed my brakes (all thanks to brad) and I got my registration done, so all that leaves is... 1. get a new tire 2. get new windshield wipers 3. inspection and after that smooth sailing for a while.... of course theres always the all important going to the dentist and get my cavities filled and my wisdom teeth removed so that my ear aches will go away... yes that's right, my ear aches.... thanks to my wisdom teeth and them rubbing on my jaw and then my jaw swelling I have ear aches... and they are not fun.... one of the guys works part time at a dentist office so maybe he can give me the hook up yo. We shall see. that's all with me for now I think... ooohhh the evil boss man is on vacation, YAY!!!!! *does happy dance*
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