*hugs to you all*

Dec 19, 2008 01:39

I'm sorry if anyone is expecting EOY piccys or replies to comments, I actually have a valid reason this time!

eyesofshinigami and sharpeslass, your cards came in the mail already and I just love you guys all the more for them!

I just realised that my birthday's this week. On Sunday to be exact. I'm not expecting much, I mean, just the thought of what happened last year is enough to make me want to either cry or break something. I'm not asking you guys for anything much, just to.. I don't know.. think of me? It would really mean a lot. And as a warning, emo_in_a_turtle, if you make fun of me for this I will fucking kill you.

Gah.. stupid mood swings again. I've also been staying up late, though not without a lot of reminders from my taishou to get me to sleep at normal-people-time. 3am is a perfectly normal time to decide to sleep! >__> Its not my fault I think better at night, the daylight is eviiiiiillllll~ Plot bunnies attack me more often at night too.

And lastly, Double Helix is one of the most amazing fics I've ever read in my entire fangirl life. First of all, its Nii/Tenpou and dub-con, two of the my favourite things together in one fic. Well, anything with Tenpou in it is my favourite thing anyway XD

The Taishou's loli-ish skirt is nearly done, just the waistband and varius hemming to be done. I have a vague feeling that it would go a lot faster if I actually used the sewing machine, but alas!, it hates me and I'm making my stiches as neat as possible to make it look prettier. ^^

~tiqa; in various moodswing sessions right now.

bday, fanfic pimpage

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