Finally! An update! I've been unable to ever have a moment at the computer lately. That's what happens when your child decides that naps are completely unnecessary, or that a 20 minute nap will suffice.
Kyan has taken an extreme liking to this Boppy-esque pillow-seat-thing I received as a hand-me-down from my mother. I've always cursed the thing because it just seemed so awkwardly shaped. Your baby is not going to be sitting in it unless they can already sit on their own (in which case, what's the point), or you stuff a blanket behind them. It doesn't seem to phase Kyan when he's sliding down or slumped slightly back and straining to sit up properly. As a matter of fact, he seems to find this quite amusing. Whatever keeps the boy happy, I suppose.
Jack, my 2-year-old brother, was safari hunting this morning. He hid his plastic lion and elephant in the plants by the couch.
"Oh no!" he shrieked, as they were apparently in grave danger.
I couldn't figure out why the jungle was such a threat to animals that, well, lived in the jungle.. until, of course, Jack whipped out his bright green gun.
"Pow pow!"
I rescued the elephant and showed it to Kyan. He once met a real elephant at the circus, and Kevin has an extreme liking for elephants. He seemed very pleased with the plastic creature and made it his duty to immerse it in his slobber.
Delicious, indeed.
I spent a vast majority of yesterday cleaning the kitchen. It was amazing to me how much damage had been done. There was a horrible moldy ecosystem establishing itself in the piles of dishes. All my hard work was pointless, of course, because you really can't keep anything clean with children in the house. At least our countertops aren't growing fuzz anymore, and Kyan found house cleaning to be the perfect time for a nap (yes, a nap, hoorah!).
Kevin wants me and Kyan to come out to Texas in February. Our anniversary is Valentine's Day, so I'd really like to. However, the daycare down the street is hiring. I would really like to start work again, but no one will keep Kyan because of his inability to be without me (see also: screaming uncontrollably till point of vomiting), so the daycare would be perfect. I could work and have my Baby Kong with me. If they want to hire me, I may have to sacrifice Kevin cuddles. Oh, life, how you mock me!
a lie a murder: i lvoe you!
a lie a murder: loveeeeeeeeee
a lie a murder: love love love
a lie a murder: you so much