Hey there and thanks for stopping by.
I have made this a 'friend's only' LJ.
Needless to say that if you want me to add you, respect my privacy.
If you want to be a part of that please message me here.
Please, if you add me to your friend's list - let me know!
I'm not checking it everyday so If you want me to add you back, you need to tell me, ok? :D
there are some R U L E S :
always C O M M E N T when taking anything
i like to get feedback and know where my work is going
always C R E D I T
tentin or
scouty for everything, including bases
always use (© tentin) or (© scouty) in your K E Y W O R D S if u should use my icons
if u dont know how....look at the
TUTORIAL _iconsofdoom made
NO HOTLINKING please ! right click them and save....upload on ur own server
u can find all my icons in my
MEMORIES if u would like to get a W A L L P A P E R in 800x600 or 1024x768 ...
just comment and i will send it to u...
im too lazy to post it twice in every post...will only post them in a small version
have fun and enjoy the graphics and/or icons!