from the wild jungles of sarawak!
haaaaaa omg 4 packed days. of experiences. things. summat-or-the-others.
My dad's trying to make it a 'tradition' to buy chocolate for every plane trip we take, lulz. So far he's succeeding, we bought 2 rittersport squares for the trip there... the yoghurt one is surprisingly delicious. :D We rented a car, and got ourselves settled in in this place called Bintulu. Very very ulu place, no tourists at all... we kept getting stares. Hurr.
But god they have the most beautiful sunsets. Especially if you're looking over the river. With its mass of boats, and the colored clouds reflecting crazily on the surface. It's gorgeous. I've got some pictures, but I'm too tired to go get my camera and upload. Maybe later? Haha.
On the first day we went on a boat ride along the river, and that took up basically the whole day. Ok I've decided I'm not all that lazy after all, I'll get my camera, because this was worth it. The weather forecasts that my dad checked out said there would be heavy rain for all the days we would be there, but the day turned out absolutely gorgeous, as the photos will show.
first nice pic of sunset over the river
my favourite sunset shot. i like how there's a fisherman dude in the foreground.
the people there are so laid back, seriously. they're generally very nice and friendly though.
check out what it says. Two things I know for sure: one, there has never been a tea attributed to Prague (besides, the stuff in the carton was just ordinary sweetened milk tea). Two, the castle on the pack is not even in the Czech Republic, whatever it is. xD
We took a boat like this (the one at the back, i think) on our scenery-appreciating trip. The extra guy is some dude (dunno where he's from though :( ) who had a bit of a problem in getting around, he needed to go somewhere where the boat didn't stop.
we were able to sit on the roof of the boat, which was cool. it wouldn't have been worth it inside, the windows were small and grimy. Notice the clear sky despite 'heavy rain' predictions.
ship graveyard! we saw a lot of sunken boats along the way. there was one that had only the prow and a bit of the mast sticking out of the water.
we were all really enjoying the trip... we were the only ones on the roof, the weather was great, the view nice, and we brought food. :D see my sexy pose in my mom's sunglasses! lol
an overgrown, and long since abandoned, crane. there was an unbelievable number of sawmills along the river, it was kind of sad. great areas of trees, gone. chunks taken out of hills, too. D:
my awesome parents :D you can see a logged area in the background, at some of these stops people would get on or off. its kind of like a bus on water, really. also, this trip was what mostly got me sunburnt. my forehead is red, lol.
I'm so proud. My mom can peel a pomelo with a pocket knife. :D the pomelos in sarawak are HUGE. the ones in singapore don't compare, really.
the day after the boat trip, we went on a short trek to the beach in Similajau National Park. It was nice, though it started raining later on in the afternoon. nothing big though. i'm not going to put pics because i didn't take that many nice ones, but really, it was quite relaxing. the beach was completely empty. we only met a bunch of idiots who didn't speak english. they had chopped of a pair of big pitcher plants and were looking very happy about it. its a national park, for goodness sake, they have regulations. it was very vexing.
the day after we went to visit Niah Caves. They've got remains and wallpaintings that are 40,000 years old, it was pretty cool. natives also collect bird nests up on the cave ceilings, which is pretty amazing because the caves are massive and the ceilings can be 100m above the floor. no kidding.
the collectors climb up the pole things to collect nests. i have no idea how they managed to get the poles securely up there, or how they have the nerve to do these kinds of things... its crazy what some people will do for a living. further in are more caves, even higher, where they collect nests IN THE DARK. seriously. imagine 80m or so up, there are people dangling from bamboo poles stuck in rock with torches around their necks, breaking off nests from the wall.
thats all for now, need to go out and buy stuff. this posts is getting rather long. will update again. :)
love, Za.