Aug 25, 2007 00:20
I actually used my desktop PC today to make this lovely new icon. Those of you who watch Psych (or any shows on USA Network and hear the commercials) will recognize the quote. Those of you who don't... well, let's just say you are missing out on some pants-peeingly fun stuff. Srsly.
If you've some how missed the news, over lunch time today, my family got new phones! Waahoo! We've all got camera flip phones now. We had a choice of 3 phones that were free - Liz and Dad got the LG model and Mom and I got the Nokia model. It shall be a fight to the death! Or something... I think I figured out how to do a lot of stuff without looking at the book. That'll be one thing I'll be doing in the car tomorrow. As long as I'm not driving.
All my numbers transfered okay except those of you who I have 2 phone numbers for (Paul, Cindi, Justin, Heather, off the top of my head) I don't know which number is your cell and which number is your house phone ('cept Heather 'cuz we already figured it out) - so if you care for me to be able to call you, send me an e-mail or a txt and then things will be sorted out.
This evening I had a yummy burrito-type thing and some nachos for dinner. I got my Roomba all charged up and let 'er rip around the apartment. I found myself talking to it like it was a small animal. It only ran at my feet once or twice. It did the living room, kitchen and hallway and then it recharged, and then I locked it in the bedroom. I'm trying to figure out where to keep it's homebase. We shall see. It was nice to be able to sit here and read a book while the vacuuming was getting done. I'll have to do a Roomba Review after I get a couple more uses out of it. I'm pleased so far.
Tonight I also made my own hot chocolate mix. It's someplace between moderately good and tolerable. But it was pretty cheap to make (cheaper than getting mix on sale), so I won't feel bad running through it quickly.
Tomorrow, I've gotta be up early and at my parent's house around 8:30 so that Mom, Liz, and I can get to (very northern) NJ for a bridal shower. Should be an interesting time. Time for sleepies now.