School has become one big fucking nightmare. I hate it. The first two days were ok. But now I hate it.
Here is the schedule of my doom:
Physical Geology 11:30-12:45
Religion, Occult, Witchcraft and Spirituality (anthropology) 11:30 - 12:45
Algebra 2:30-4:30
Physical Geology 11:30-12:45
Geology Lab 1:00-3:45 (over 4 hours of geology HELL)
Religion, Occult, Witchcraft and Spirituality (anthropology) 11:30 - 12:45
Algebra 2:30-4:30
Cinema as Literature 7:00-9:30pm
Electronic Music II 11:00-2:00
My math teacher looks like John Lovitz, and is an anal bastard. I think he might have dropped me for no reason!! I must sort it out tomorrow.
My Geology teacher is a really nice guy, and his voice sounds like Kermit the Frog.
My Anthropolgy teacher is a complete psycho.
I have already spent over $260 on books. And I still need to buy 2 more. I had a horrible day, but I found out that I made it onto the A Perfect Circle Street Team. (which is excellent!)
My cousin already bought The Two Towers dvd and called to tell me where I can get it a week in advance. Of course, I got excited and asked my mom if she could drive me to the Video store that is selling it (illegally) early. And she got all mad and said no, because she has a meeting with some asshole that I COMPLETELY hate. And I accused her of putting him before her own son, and she got even more pissed off. Times like these that I hate my parents and I hate myself for not being able to drive. I can't even put in words how pissed off I am.
The new Teaser Posters for Return of the King came out today. They look awesome. There is a really creepy one of Gollum. Its seriously creepy. Everyone should check them out