My weekend was a doozy.
Friday night I don't remember what I did, but I'm sure it wasn't important at all.
Saturday I went to practice with my jazz band and it was hell. I mean, its not even fun anymore. I don't know why I'm there. I'm unappreciated. Yes, that last comment seems as if I'm a whining little bitch, but it is for a reason. We have a cd that was recorded in a studio and stuff and since we aren't signed we have to distribute it ourselves. Seeing that I'm the most artistically inclined in regards to computers and graphic design in the band, I took on the duty of designing the album art. Unfortunately, I didn't know that that meant I would be burning all the fucking 200 cds. Which sucked. First off, I made a kick ass white design and I payed for the jewel cases, and the cds and labels out of my own [parent's] pockets, and they didn't even say thanks. Also, they said they liked it, even though they didn't like it and I found out that they were saying it behind my back. I made one that was incredibly half assed because I was mad that was black and white, and they said they liked it, but they didn't. Then on Saturday, Joey, the percussionist was like, "yeah, we need better looking shit on the cds." I was fucking pissed. First of all, he doesn't do shit for the band, and he has the audacity to complain. That fucking alcoholic piece of trash. Not only that, but its stupid in the band. We aren't progressing. We just continue to play the same music, and do the same shit. I'm done with it. I don't have to waste my time with them. And the funny thing is that I'm not the only one that feels that way.
Later that day, I went to my brother's Band Awards Banquet. It was ok. I was pissed off that a certain parent that deserves to be shot in the face with a shotgun was there and got awarded for doing nothing but being a fucking righteous bitch and causing endless problems. Fuck her and fuck all the hypocritical drum majors for giving her that award. (Yes that means you
Cynthia) When she went onstage to accept her award she grabbed her chest in the universal sign for "oh no, I'm having a heart attack" and I couldn't resist yelling out "HEART ATTACK!!" (seeing that she has had 2 already and sadly hasn't died.) My old band director looked at me and was like "WTF?". But he doesn't like her anyways so its ok. Plus he knows me, and expects me to act like a raving fucktard at times. I went dressed like I was going to a funeral; dressed in a three piece black suit with a nice silk tie, and I even wore my infamous cowboy hat. HAR HAR HAR. I'm proud for my brother because he recieved the Award for Outstanding Junior Musician, and he is the new Band President.
I feel like absolute shit.
I saw an old friend at the awards banquet and she told me that my old best friend actually misses me. This came as a revelation and has filled me with every feeling imaginable. I am confused. I will make a seperate private entry about this in a form of a letter to him. Some of you might be able to read it.
I took my little brother to see Finding Nemo on Sunday. It was so cute to see him so excited. The only downside was that the theater was filled with fucking kids. The movie was so good. I was on the verge of crying in the begining and at the very end. Actually, at the very end I had to force myself to not cry. I don't know what the fuck was wrong with me. I mean, something like a movie got to me? I need a heavier dose of medication.