Tomorrow I'll be attending my last undergraduate class ever (barring something completely unforeseen and tragic) at my professor's house. This is all very strange, I have to say. The finality of it all hasn't quite sunk in yet.
For example, today it only occurred to me a few hours after the fact that I'd had my last class with K.T., after having taken three of her courses.1 I was going to post some thoughts about my handing in my thesis and what it feels like to be done with that monster, but for the moment I think "strange" sums up my feelings quite adequately. (I've barely even mentioned my thesis here, though I'm sure many of you can deduce that it's part of the reason I've posted so little in so many months. That, and reticence compounded with a complete lack of self discipline, which I why I don't post much ever.)
Tomorrow I'll also go to my last fencing practice with the Vixens. Fencing at Bryn Mawr was a really positive experience for me because I've never been very athletic or interested in athletics before (I'm certainly not into team sports, at all). Yet I tried out fencing sophomore year and ending up sticking with it, and yesterday a few fencers told me I was "awesome" at épée. I still lack a lot of confidence physically and don't really believe that I deserve that praise, but it's immensely gratifying to hear nonetheless, especially because I'd pretty much assumed that I would never be "awesome" at anything requiring physical skill, ever. I really want to continue fencing after college.
1. I also didn't know until last night that she had student groupies, one of which apparently adopted her signature hairstyle. Beyond strange. I'll admit to a certain - even unhealthy - amount of professor worship, but miming a professor's coiffure is just kind of weird. Having said that, several of you know of a certain ex-Bi-Co professor whose sartorial taste I would gladly copy if I were a man. (Actually, that's not entirely true. I'd dress like that now if I could afford the wardrobe.) So I guess I'm a hypocrite.