Title: Innocence Gained
Genre: General
A/N: This is based off of another fic someone else wrote. Go read it:
Innocence Lost by RadiantBeam. I even ripped off the title. ^^;
Disclaimer: I do not own Hitsugaya or Matsumoto or anything else that I do not own.
Summary: In which Matsumoto contemplates dreams of the past, and Hitsugaya reluctantly joins her.
Aw, ain't I sweet? ~*~
Title: Beautiful Disaster
Genre: Angst, Redemption
Rating: PG-13ish?
Pairings: kinda-sorta HistuMatsu, Matsumoto-centric
Warnings: lots of Matsumoto angst, teensy bit of suicide contemplation
A/N: Inspired by and named after the song, “Beautiful Disaster” by John Mclaughlin.
Disclaimer: I do not own Hitsugaya or Matsumoto or anything else that I do not own.
Summary: Matsumoto is a beautiful disaster.
I do so love my angst...