The Long Awaited Ianto Post.

Jul 17, 2009 22:23

Yeah, I know. Torchwood. I liked CoE up until Ianto's death. I welt it was well acted, directed, and written, until the end of Day Four. I found Ianto Jones's death extremly forced in and put in merely for shock purposes. It outrages me how 3 out of the 5 main characters were killed off within four episodes of each other. When Tosh and Owen died, it was done with taste, with the goal of enough drama to bring the team and the audience together. And it worked. With Ianto, it was unexpected, unneeded, and not planned out well.

When Jack went in to fight the 456, Ianto was only there as backup. Not really doing much. He didn't die saving anyone else like a hero in a show like this should. Owen was trying to stop a nuclear meltdown and when he couldn't, Tosh helped him out and did it. Even while she was already dying. That is how someone in Torchwood should die if it were necessary.

When Tosh and Owen died, we were all okay with it not only because it was well done and they died noble deaths, but also, we knew we still had more of the team who would eventually learn to cope with their loss. But now, I don't know if this is something that the audience will be able to get past. It was just too much, too soon.

torchwood, ianto jones

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