Maybe Tomorrow

Feb 21, 2009 15:45

Title: Maybe Tomorrow
Beta: potterfreak0515 
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Genre: Fluff, Songfic
Rating: G
A/N: The inspiration of this story came from the Wizard Rock song "Maybe Tomorrow" by The Remus Lupins. Google it because Wizard Rock is amazing.

“What am I doing wrong, Harry? Why won’t she look at me?”

“Nothings wrong with you…much,” Harry laughed as Hermione walked into the Gryffindor common room. “I’m going to the library to study for the Herbology exam. Do you two want to join me?”

“No!” Ron’s ears turning read as he realized he had said this a bit too fast. “Harry and I are…um…we’re…”

“We’re talking about hot girls.” Ron shot a glare at Harry, who returned it with an apologetic look.

Hermione raised an eyebrow. “Um, alright then. I’ll be in the library.” She was just about to walk out when she spoke again. “Ron, straighten your tie out, it’s crooked.” Ron tightened his tie and made sure it was aligned properly. She smiled and left the common room. Ron and Harry laid back in their armchairs.

“So,” Harry said. “What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know what else I can do. She’s been giving me advice on what I should do about an unnamed girl that I like. She can’t really be that oblivious can she?”

“She’s Hermione,” Harry replied. “She can pass her Potions exam with flying colors, but not see the simplest things right in front of her nose.”

“Well then I guess she doesn’t actually know it all, huh?” Ron got up. “I’m going to bed, Harry.”

“Alright, but I really think you should just tell her how you feel. I mean, just do it.”

Ron put on a pretend ‘thinking face.’ “I will. I’ll do it tomorrow.”

The next morning, Ron and Harry walked to the Great Hall for breakfast. Hermione had already left to eat. Harry was talking about how they should have studied a little bit for their exam because he couldn’t remember if a Wailing Shrub needed three hours of sun and five gallons of water a day, or five hours of sun and three gallons of water.

Ron was more focused on other things. What do I do to get her to notice me? They arrived at the Great Hall and sat down on either side of Hermione.

“About that girl you like…” Harry’s advice began to ring in his ear. Just do it. “I think you should surprise her…” Just do it. “…take her off guard…” Just do it.

“I love you.” Taken aback, Hermione stared at him. He stood up on his chair, and climbed onto the table in front of her. “I love you, Hermione.” He looked into her deep, brown eyes, which were still stunned. Ron was terrified, not knowing what was going to happen. They continued to stare at each other, saying nothing. Nothing needed to be said. Hermione grabbed his legs and began to shake him. He fell over, off the table but didn’t feel his head hit the ground. Ron opened his eyes to see Harry, still shaking him.

“Ron, we need to get to breakfast. Hermione’s waiting for us.” Ron sat up in his four poster bed, still a bit dazed.

He and Harry were walking down the second floor corridor. “So Ron, are you going to tell her today?” Ron continued looking straight ahead.

“Maybe tomorrow. I’ll tell her tomorrow.”

songfic, fic, harry potter, wizard rock, fluff

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