David Tennant Leaving.

Dec 31, 2008 13:45

No, I didn't just find out about it but I just decided to post this now to set the record straight.

I AM A TOTAL 10 FANGIRL! But just because that sometimes when he does really cute faces on the telly and I give a squee, does not mean that I do not understand that regeneration is what keeps the show fresh and exciting.
I know that The Doctor regenerates okay? I know it was bound to happen sooner or later and I'm fine with that. I will miss David, not only because I truly believe he did an amazing job, but also he was my first Doctor.
I will not stop watching the show just becuase he is leaving. People who are shouldn't have became active in fandom in the first place if they were just going to leave when "the hot character" gets killed off. Its offensive to the show, and these people shouldn't even call themselves "Doctor Who fans."

P.S. Sorry I can't put things behind cuts, iBooks suck hard.

david tennant, doctor who, tenth doctor

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