How It Should Have Been

Jun 02, 2013 21:25

how it should have been
super junior/snsd - kyuhyun/seohyun - pg
it's like the one night stand that took too long.
a/n: written for wintercreamed's birthday, you're finally legal now!! i'm so lucky to be friends with someone so flawless and i wish you all the best in the future. love you elle ♥

Seohyun meets him for the first time in her dreams. A sign, some would say, but she's just confused and slightly irritated because he's nothing like the 'man of her dreams' - in all irony, she should add - and this is awkward more than anything else. They're sitting on the balcony outside of her apartment, legs dangling through the railings and if this was reality she thinks she would probably be holding his hand, because that's how all people work.

"Should I know you?"

He shrugs, pretty fingers brushing the hair out of his eyes, and he'd be kind of beautiful if he wasn't so obnoxious. "Soon enough," he says, and Seohyun thinks she might like to hear his voice more if he had nice things to say. "Patience, my friend."

She rolls her eyes. "I don't even know your name."

"Sure you do." Seohyun wakes up before she gets the chance to tell him otherwise.

He introduces himself the next day, in person. He's just as beautiful there, too, and just as obnoxious as well.

Seohyun hands him a receipt for the book he's just purchased, marking an x where he needs to sign, and he doesn't seem like one who would read much. She doesn't ask him otherwise, but his handwriting is illegible and that's a little frustrating. "What does this say? Cho what?"

"Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun."

She nods, still squinting at the signature as she scans the receipt into the computer and hands him a second copy. "Nice name." He snorts and Seohyun doesn't really know why, but she just wrinkles her nose and slides the bag towards him. "Have a nice day." Kyuhyun nods his head at her, turning around when she spots an unfamiliar pen on the glass table and calls his name. "Excuse me! Um, Kyuhyun!" He glances back and she holds the pen up in her hand. "You forgot this."

"Uh… No, I didn't?"

"What?" She looks at the pen, and on the side is written Ha-Neul's Bookstore, and this is embarrassing. She looks up and he's got an eyebrow raised, and Seohyun smiles at him awkwardly. "Never mind, sorry about that."

"No problem." He smiles at her with his charmingly lopsided teeth, Cho Kyuhyun, and his name rolls quite nicely off of her tongue. "Oh, also, on a side note, that's a really bad way of catching a guy's attention, if you were wondering."

Seohyun blinks, about to retort because where did this come from when he winks with his pretty eyelashes fluttering against his acne-scarred cheek before exiting the bookstore. The entrance bells ring longer at the close of the door than they normally would and she wonders why she remembered all the details.

There could be a background story to this, but Seohyun does not have the energy to create one and it would be nothing less than irrelevant in the first place, with what happens after. He asks her out and after two attempts finally comes a date, and the next one he takes her hand, and soon enough her first kiss has been stolen by the obnoxious guy from the bookstore.

She would go into detail about Kyuhyun's charm and appeal and what she fell in love with, but there is more to life than the little things. Seohyun just forgot to look at the big picture.

He's reappeared in her dreams, and she remembers his name there too. "Cho Kyuhyun."

"You shouldn't go for that guy," he says, and now he's sitting a little closer to her. Not that Seohyun noticed, or anything. It just happens to be kind of cold wherever she is in her dream, and he happens to be radiating, and she looks over at him with one eyebrow raised. "What? I'm just helping you out here."

"Aren't you that guy?"

Kyuhyun rolls his eyes, bumping her lightly in the shoulder, and it's strange how she feels it so vividly. "I am that guy, but I'm not like that guy. I just advise against it, things might get bad."

"And why should I listen to you?"

"Because I happen to know him quite well." He turns towards her, and she smiles, like maybe it would have made a difference. Nothing wrong with ignoring the advice of your inner-conscious, although dreamer Kyuhyun's smile is prettier than real-life Kyuhyun and she has yet to differentiate between what is really the nightmare.

She likes the both of them, in any case.

The feelings go unreturned.

He calls it quits six days before their first month anniversary, after what she though was a splendid date, and Seohyun doesn't feel the cracks coming until he lets go of her hand. She doesn't remember the reasons why, but she thinks it might be because she had been too focused on his face, Kyuhyun and his achingly beautiful smile as he wished her all the best.

Seohyun experiences heartbreak for the first time, and it is like being told she is beautiful by a blind soul. She wants to believe it but the source is inaccurate and she probably should have seen this coming from the beginning.

"I told you so." Dream Kyuhyun is quite unsympathetic, she's come to realize. They are sitting on the floor of the balcony again, in the morning sunrise, her legs up to her chest and his stretched out so their toes are touching. He's comforting, either way, and she wonders whether this dream is even real. "I told you he wouldn't be any good for you."

"Maybe he just doesn't like me anymore," Seohyun says, though it sounds unbelievable that he actually liked her in the first place.

Kyuhyun laughs, nudging her leg. "Cheer up. He's not worth it."

She raises his eyebrow, because this doesn't quite make much sense and maybe this is how all first relationships go. "Do you realize you are talking about yourself?"

"You like me, but you like the image of him. They're two different things." Kyuhyun sighs, pulling his legs in and leaning over to touch her hands. Maybe he's right. "But now I'm not quite sure what you want." Seohyun looks up at him, and even though they are the same person, she sees the surprise in front of her and the welcomed in reality, and the Kyuhyun in front of her is fading.

She thinks about holding on, but by the time she's made her choice he's disappeared.

He comes over holding a bouquet of flowers and kisses her with the smell of roses on his lips. Kyuhyun doesn't ask for her back, and Seohyun doesn't tell him to, and he tells her pretty words in the emptiness of her bed, the lights off so she can't see the truth in his eyes. His words are false promises but she keeps them tucked under the folds her bed to hold on to when he leaves her anyways.

Kyuhyun kisses her and his touch makes her cold when he brushes his lips against hers. "I really like you," he whispers, and she smiles but the words go unsaid on her part.

He leaves in the morning without saying goodbye. It's like the one night stand that took too long.

There wasn't anything still there, but Seohyun ends what it could have been, and tomorrow would have been their one month. "I think you were right the first time," and he holds her hands and she hates the way she lets him.

"I really like you," he says again, but really like and love are two different things, and she doesn't know what she was looking for. Kyuhyun bites his lip like he wants to say something, but she smiles and tightens (his) grip on her hand and leans in, thinking maybe last kisses are the way they all end.

Kyuhyun doesn't let her kiss him and she doesn't understand why until he finally does.

He appears in her dreams after what seems like forever, and it is nighttime again, like the first time they met. Seohyun lets him hold her hand but they don't look at each other, because this isn't meant to be and maybe it wasn't even meant to start.

"I have a feeling I'm not doing this quite right."

Kyuhyun laughs. "Yeah, you're probably not." Seohyun whines, leaning over to hit him, but it only makes him laugh harder, and her hold on his hand tightens. Maybe she's afraid now that one is gone, the other will be too, but this Kyuhyun seems to be fine. "Just kidding, just kidding." He turns to look at her, smiling, but the moon makes him look a little sad. Seohyun turns away before he has the chance to make her sad too. "Maybe it was for the best."

Seohyun sighs. "Or maybe I'm just really bad at this kind of thing."

"Oh, come on, it was going fine until you broke up with him."

"There wasn't even anything to break up, first of all."

He smiles, loosening their hands, and she doesn't notice until only their pinkies are locked, and Seohyun wonders if she should just ask him right then to promise to never leave. "The unofficial things are always the ones that last." Kyuhyun stands up, and their hands break apart before she is able to hold on.

"Where are you going?"

"I'll be waiting here for you when you get it right." Kyuhyun walks inside to the apartment, but Seohyun is trapped outside in the balcony, and maybe that was his promise right there.

Kyuhyun sits outside the bookstore all day. She watches him sitting on the sidewalk, hands fumbling and feet tapping against the road, and he looks confused. Sad, maybe, but more determined, and later on in the day regretful. He turns around once or twice to watch her at the register, and Seohyun doesn't know how to hold his gaze without feeling dead inside.

He's still there by the time her shift ends later that night, and she is closing the shop up all alone.

The bells on the door ring when she leaves and Kyuhyun stands up, looking at her suddenly. Seohyun tightens her grip on her bag and he opens his mouth, but the words don't come out and maybe he didn't want to say anything in the first place.

Maybe, maybe, maybe, their whole relationship was (is) just a big maybe and she sighs. "Maybe you should go home."

Kyuhyun doesn't say anything, but he is two steps behind her the whole way to her apartment, slowing down when she slows down and speeding up when she does the same. Seohyun thinks about asking him what he wants, why he still attempts, but she feels less lonely and he is only bad news to her emotions. He led her home safely and she would invite him inside if there was nothing there.

But she loves him, still.

Seohyun thinks about him every time he is not there, and it becomes all the time, because he is no longer hers, and she wonders whose happiness is the one failing. Kyuhyun could love her the way she can, or maybe he does the way she will. However it is, it took her a while to realize.

There was always something missing.

It took her long enough to finally find it.

The sun is rising and he is finally next to her again. Seohyun sits facing him, because even the sun waking up is not as beautiful as the image of him sitting next to her, smiling and the prettiest people are always the happy ones. "Why aren't you the same in reality as you are here?" she asks, and Kyuhyun laughs.

"I would be, but you're too good for me."

Seohyun smiles, leaning over her to rest her chin on his shoulder, staring at his long neck and the way he swallows nervously. "I'd pick you over him any day."

"But you don't."

She sighs, leaning back, and Kyuhyun looks over to her so she can fall in love with dark eyes. "To me, he's like… He's like, the most appealing cake in the whole world. He is beautiful and exactly what I'm looking for, but when I finally take a bite it ends up tasting disgusting."

"But the cake fills you up anyways." Kyuhyun leans over and kisses her and she lets him, and that was the answer she'd been looking for the whole time.

He kisses her in person before she gets the chance to say yes. Kyuhyun pushes her against the door, and she fumbles with the doorknob until they stumble inside her apartment, and they don't break apart until she can't breathe and his face is burning red. Seohyun finds the belt loops of his pants and slips her fingers through them, closing her eyes and letting her head fall back against the wall, and she hears Kyuhyun laugh.


"I - I don't know." Seohyun opens her eyes and he's smiling widely, lopsided teeth and all. She grins. "Thanks."

"For what?"

Kyuhyun leans in and kisses her again, and his lips mold against hers like they were meant to stay together forever. She wouldn't mind, in any case, but she pushes him back anyways, raising her eyebrow. He grins. "For taking me back, I mean." He brushes a strand of her hair out of her eyes, and Seohyun finds her heart beating faster than it was the first time.

"Something tells me you won't be quite alright without me." Seohyun leans up and closes her eyes and waits for the moment that he is against her again, and maybe it'll work out right this time.

requests of the day

otp god aqsa always so desperate
crying sehun pls&ty

[ snsd ], pairing: kyuhyun/seohyun, .pg, [ super junior ]

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