
Apr 21, 2013 20:14

dbsk(jyj)/boa - yunho/boa, jaejoong/boa - pg
they fall out not too soon afterwards but lovers can remain friends, as they go to show.
a/n: for the record yunho is my dbsk bias, i'm not really why i wrote him like this. oh aqsa.
a/n two: and before i forget to mention, requested by the dearest sooriforever (though this is probably not what you were looking for and i promise to one day write happy yunboa)

The ending is always based off of the beginning: it is simple, basic logic. The high jump's finish depends on the start, the foundation of the cake is created through the ingredients used, the peak of the movie relies on the introduction - it is as how most things work, not excluding people.

Boa and Yunho start off quite simply, friends turned lovers. It is the line never to be crossed, knowing too much and suddenly falling too far, but it works anyways, and neither of them quite knows how. He makes her laugh, she makes him smile, it is as most perfect lovers are seen, and there is no secret to what makes them beautiful.

They fall out not too soon afterwards but lovers can remain friends, as they go to show. It is a reverse equation that goes back as soon as it started, just as simply as it had first begun.

The problem lies in the neglected introduction, of which both of them failed to notice. Their ending follows appropriately.

Boa's office is exactly two and half blocks from the coffee shop opposite his own office. He's running late today, holding two ice cold macchiatos and hoping she doesn't whine about the quickly melting whipped cream because to her that's the best part, even though it tastes similar to foam in his opinion.

She doesn't seem to be annoyed, when she finally enters his view. On the contrary, Boa looks quite amused, and there's a noticeably taller figure next to her, dignified in his pose although with a feminine aura.

(maybe it is the first stirrings of jealousy, yunho thinks.)

"Who's the pretty boy?" he asks, after said person has left. It's a joke, to him, but apparently not reciprocated.

"Don't insult him!"

The feelings don't go away but Yunho smiles at her, hoping the twinkle in her eye doesn't mean anything significant. "Why? Do you like him? He's a little too girly looking for me."

"No, I don't like him!" Boa rolls her eyes, as if it is obvious, and Yunho should already be aware of the details. "We just met, he's the new guy here." She stirs her drink with the lamented green straw and takes a slow slip, pondering over something Yunho would like to know and probably won't. "Kim Jaejoong." His name fits his face, Yunho thinks. Boa always did go for the pretty boys.

The ice cream is melting. Strawberry, her favorite flavor because Boa doesn't know how to follow the norm; he would start without her but that betrays the laws of friendship - if Boa hasn't done so herself already, that is.

She calls when he decides to stick the bucket back in the freezer and turn off the television, the reruns of her favorite movie series almost halfway finished. "Yunho, I'm so sorry," and he smiles even though he knows she won't be able to make it, her and her rare occasions of missed attendance. "You know Jaejoong, the guy you met the other week? I've got to stay afterwards to help train him. I hope you don't mind."

"Pretty boy?"

"He's not a pretty boy!"

Her whining voice has their friendship (whatever it is now) back on track, and Yunho hurts a little bit even though he knows it isn't her fault. "Alright, alright, calm down. We can pick back up next weekend, yeah?"

"Of course," she replies. She isn't listening to him anymore now that his mood is set straight, and Yunho can hear the laughing in the background, Boa talking to pretty boy with the cool name. The line falls dead in his hands less than a minute later and Yunho doesn't think he'll be able to predict the next scenes of this movie.

All he knows is that it won't be pretty.

Boa is cooking at her place tonight, a spicy fish soup even though it's warm outside and Yunho doesn't like soup. Or spicy food. But maybe she just forgot, and Yunho doesn't remind her either - and it doesn't end up tasting that bad, with her consistent chatter to cover up his sweating.

Then suddenly she mentions something about Jaejoong, the faint pretty boy - he's really charming, we've become really good friends - and it isn't a big deal but his spoon clatters to the floor anyways.

"You okay?"

Her concerned face makes him like her a little more (even though they are over, they've long been over that stage) and he smiles, swallows and takes a sip of the fish soup even though it burns on its way down his throat. "Yeah. I'm fine. Hot, is all," and she pours him a glass of beer even though he's also told her he doesn't like drinking on weekdays.

It's okay if she forgets that too.

It happens soon enough, finally, as if they had all been waiting for it.

jaejoong asked me out! >//<

The tragic ending begins here. He doesn't respond (but that was predicted from the very start).

"How much love does it take to win over a girl's heart?"

"None." She smiles when she says it, like it is the most obvious answer in the world. "It takes attraction, Jung Yunho, none of which I have towards you." Then she winks, and the less she likes him in that way, the more he likes her in that way. He'd always believed that opposites attract and in that way, they are opposites, two different characters that would fit together like matching pieces on a puzzle.

He ruffles her hair slightly when she says it and he likes her, all this time. He likes her before it happens, he likes her while it happens, and he continues to like her after it has happened, a break up and the ever gracious statement: I think we should just be friends.

They are still friends, and Yunho still likes her. The only problem is that matching pieces don't fit together - it is the third player that splits them apart.

It is a mere coincidence that he happens to be at the same street vendor they're having drinks at. Boa laughs too loud at Jaejoong's jokes and Yunho sits facing her front, nothing at his table except puzzled emotions and jumping fingers. Jaejoong's hand reaches over the table and Boa's fingers slip between his synchronized and solid, and the heat rush follows not soon afterwards.

His next move is on impulse. It's how most things are ruined, and this is only the beginning.

"Hey, Boa, fancy seeing you here," and they both look up, Jaejoong confused and Boa surprised.

She swallows and he finds some satisfaction in her nervous look. He isn't sure why, but then again Yunho doesn't know what he's doing there either. "Yunho. Hi." Boa smiles awkwardly. "What are you doing here?"

"Just hanging around, you know. Who is your friend?" He smiles at her and her eyes widen and Jaejoong is still utterly confused, and Yunho knows it is him because he gasps mockingly and "pretty boy?" and it is as if her whole world has come crashing down, as she laughs and stands up and pulls him away, telling him she'll call him afterwards because they happen to be quite busy, if he hadn't noticed.

"Why did you do that?" she asks later that night, over her (promised) phone call. Boa is agitated and Yunho frankly recalls loving her most when she was angry. "How could you just ruin my date like that?"

And it isn't like Yunho to feign innocence, but suddenly this overprotective feeling has washed over him and Yunho wants her for himself, all to himself, like before. He wants Boa in his arms and he wants her head on his chest and he wants her laughs to be from him, the source of her smiles him, her tears for him to wipe and her lips for him to kiss. He wants her and he says to her, "I didn't do anything wrong."

She hangs up, then, maybe in disbelief or maybe in agreement, he will never know. Yunho isn't sure if he wants to.

They don't talk to each other for weeks on end, after - what he likes to refer to it as - the incident. Sometimes his finger hovers over her name on his phone, debating on whether or not to make the simple move that could end this whole argument, and sometimes he hangs outside of her apartment thinking of whether or not to ring the doorbell that follows the charms to her heart, but Yunho can't seem to give in to any of these feats. She was his from the beginning, and she is his now, and Yunho doesn't think there is a fault with being possessive over what is already his own.

He's okay, he tells himself. He's perfectly fine (as all perfect lovers tell themselves, because yunho, he too is part of them. jung yunho and kwon boa, perfect lovers on end. he could never attempt to believe otherwise.)

Evidently, she is the first one to cave.

Her eyes are red when he opens the door and Yunho thinks he feels a twinge in his heart, maybe guilt and maybe sadness. He ignores the feeling and lets her in and she is the first to apologize. "I'm sorry I got so mad at you," Boa whispers, and if their friendship was on the line she would be the one to hang on to the string. "I'm sorry I got so worked up."

"I'm sorry for ruining your date," Yunho responds, and she looks up and smiles up at him. "I guess I was just a little jealous, seeing my best f - seeing you, I don't know. With him."

Boa punches in the arm and opens her mouth to make a joke (it's always their way of reconciling, he's come to realize) but he doesn't let her, and his instinct acts on its own again. Yunho pushes her against the wall and kisses her and he's never kissed her before, when he thinks about it, not up until now. Her lips aren't as he imagined and maybe it's because she is pushing against him and he only lets go after she has fallen limp in his grip.

She wipes her lips with the back of her hand and the tears are welling up in her eyes again. "What the hell, Yunho," she says, and it's like they are the only words she could think of.

"You can't go to - you can't go to him, he's nothing compared to-"

"Compared to what, you?" She laughs but Boa doesn't look up at him. She's too sick to see his face or too speechless. "We were done a long time ago. And I guess what's left is gone too."

It is their second date, to the park, and she is wearing a beautiful yellow sundress. Her eyes are faded and her smile isn't quite as wide as it used to be but her dress is beautiful and it makes her shine anyways, and Yunho doesn't pay attention to the details.

He brings lunch and wine, and he also brings the conversation. Boa doesn't say much to him, nothing more than a nod and a one-worded response to his questions, but Yunho doesn't think much of it. He doesn't think much of anything, except that he is on a date with the love of his life and the world is perfect.

Her glass of wine goes untouched and she doesn't let him kiss her.

Jaejoong and Boa are the happily ever after that Yunho envisioned the first day he met her, on the first day of freshman year in college, a short, pretty figure rushing into English two and a half minutes late. The white gown, the black tuxedo, the glittering in their eyes and the matching rings, it is fantasy in another man's reality.

It is two years later, and they are no longer friends, but Yunho still likes her.

There is nothing wrong with being possessive over what was his in the first place.

requests of the day


pairing: yunho/boa, [ boa ], pairing: jaejoong/boa, [ dbsk / jyj ], .pg

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