outside my comfort zone
a drabble challenge meme
㊀ Fill out the first form below & comment.
㊁ Use the second form below to pimp your thread out.
㊂ Other users will comment with challenges. You can either respond in your thread, to your journal/community (wherever you typically write) or both if you so desire.
㊃ Your responses should be no more than 500 words!
㊄ This is mean to be a fun exercise so don't be rude & just have fun with it!
fandoms: whatever fandoms you write for.
usually writes: list out things that you tend to write (such as pairings, canon/fanon, particular characters, etc. this basically means anything you don't feel would be much of a challenge to you!
would like to try: anything you've had in mind in terms of trying (or want more practice with) but lacked confidence/inspiration to try your hand out.
absolutely will not do: these could be things such as rape, drug use, child abuse, etc. or it could be certain pairings you refuse to do under any circumstances
anything else? i know the urge to post a gif is strong so just do it. ;) you can also use this space to pimp your writing journal/comm if you'd like.
outside my comfort zone
my thread