Jul 15, 2005 12:10
haven't updated in a while, well stuff has happened, and i'm here to tell u 'bout it....
well i'm now in NHI and its cool, but really fuckin' hard, well yesterday we had a "lock in" at this supposedly "haunted house", so we spent the night, well from like 7 to 1 we just worked, hard, and after that we just let loose, i mean really loose. at first we were short on essentials, so the co-department heads of our thing called "c/x=cross examination", well they went to go get pizza, chips, and all that good stuff, well it seems that they left both their cells at the house, so there was no way to reach them, and they were gone for a long time. well when they came back, we ate, then we worked, after the work part, John, Josh, and Jacob Montemayor showed up, 'cuz they're in NHI also, well they showed up w/ a poker table and chips, and they played, but the rest of us went to go play "hide and seek" at 2 in the morning, now i know it doesn't seem like much, but u've got to remember, it was pitch black outside, so anyone coulda gotten scared. well after fuckin' around, we went inside and we went into this room and we played "Never have I ever", but that ended up not workin' so we started to tell freaky ghost stories, and that was some freaky shit that they told us. well later on me and a couple o' ppl are just hangin' round, and we hear a scream, well we go to check it out, turns out they find burnt pictures of 2 little girls looking at each other, now to understand that, u need to hear the story, here is a little part of it, well that house was supposedly haunted by this 12 year old girl, 'cuz thats where little girls would get raped rite, and it was supposed to be a secret, but the little 12 year old girl threatened to tell, so they killed her, well they told us that everytime u would turn a corner, u would see a face in the wall, 'cuz the girl put it that way, so no one would go in there, so now u know y those pictures were scary, but then we found "clearer" pictures of the same 2 little girls, so we thought that "whoever did this, just put this here to scare us" 'cuz it looked like they just got those pics from the internet and intentionally burned them to make it seem like it was the little girl who did it. well later on, while the night was starting to wind down, we decided to go to sleep ('member this is at like maybe 5:45-6) well me and a bunch of ppl, start to go to sleep in this confrence room, 'cuz everywhere else it was taken, but then here comes Jacob and says "oh dude lets go outside and play capture the flag" i was like "fine lets go" so everyone got into teams, and then we went outside, and now its not so pitch black, 'cuz the sun was goin' to come up, anywayz we started to play, and our team was acting like it was a "black ops" mission, we were like blendin' in with the trees and shit, but it got borin' after a while 'cuz they started addin' too many rules, so we went back into the confrence room, and just talked for a while, but it was pointless to just talk, so we started to go to sleep, and next thing i know (an hour later) the sun's up, i'm on the floor w/ my pillow, and everyone is just "get up, come on" i was like "uhh....no" but i got up anyway, but while i waited to get picked up, i closed my eyes, and was happy,well now i'm here and i should be sleepin' but i lost the feelin' of goin' to sleep, well thats it for now....