something concerning the Arirang TV

Nov 16, 2007 20:43

So, today double post! :)

But this is not a very nice post.
Just now me and my friend
kaya_86 were checking the schedule of the Arirang tv on their site.
And we saw that there isn't the concert in the schedule of tomorrow!! (17th november!!) O______O
So, after the panic XDD i searched through the web other infos about this, and i went on the help section of the Arirang site, and found a question about the concert. You can see it [HERE]
For who have problems to see that page, here i report the answer from the Arirang staff:

"Dear Viewer,

Thank you for your viewership.

Yes, the live show of the “2007 Mnet KM Music Festival” will be broadcast via Arirang’s World Channel during the end of December. The exact date has not decided yet, though. We suggest checking out the showtimes in the coming month to view the special edition through both TV and On-air service on our Web site.

We appreciate your interest in the annual music festival.

Arirang Staff"


hope they'll decide soon the date.
However, tomorrow i/ we can't see Gackt (i'm soooo sad for this).
And now i/we must wait 'till the end of december!! this is absolutely absurd!!!!  >______<
anyway, i decided to take a look tomorrow @ this channel ;D


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