I'm Back ... i lose all my things + the wonderful village!!!

Sep 09, 2007 14:36

Finally I'm back!!!!!! ^______^

my holiday was very beautiful!! i went in a touristic village!!
This village was really....immense!! WOW!!
When i was there i thought "oh! i must do a post on this when i'll come back home!! "
But.... 2 days after i came back home.......one of my HD crashed!!!  OMG!!! i was completely shocked!!! O____O
In this HD there are not only my personal photos (me and my parents...) but also all the Gackt things and all my faves songs!!!
An HD of 120 Gb nearly full of things!!!

I'm so sorry with all the people whom are waiting still now the new episodes of Fuurin Kazan!!!
Please have a more little bit of patience!! Gomen! :(((

And also sorry  if i do a new post and i answer to all the comments only now, but in these days i'm so sad!

However, i promised to myself to make a post of this woderful touristic village, so here we go (with the only pics that i recovered from now!!^o^)

The touristic village named AKIRIS.
It's situated in Basilicata (a region of the South Italy) near Matera, the famous city where Mel Gibson realized "The Passion"
The village have: one Hotel, a residence and many residence rooms!!

Here the entrance of the village

(as always, click on the pics for view them in full size!^^)

It have also 2 swimming pools:

here the little swimming pool:

(during the day)

(during the night)

(sorry for the bad quality of this pic!!!)

and here the big swimming pool:

(during the day)

(sorry! this pic is really ruined! ç_ç)

The big one have a beautiful bridge with ancient columns
(during the night)

and a sham cave with a wonderful waterfall!!

in the village there is a group of  animators whom everyday realize amazing performances in an amphitheatre:

here the amphitheatre (during the day)

normally during the performances is decorated with many drapes and a beautiful scenography!!

a pic i took from one of the performance, called NEAPOLIS

and here a view of the big swimming pool from the amphitheatre:

After the various performances all the people go to the little square, where take place many kind of dances.

Here the little square:

Instead, in the week-end are organized special performances in the little square.

For ex. this time there was a parade
(here a little pic)

and a performance with the "sbandieratori" (the "sbandieratori" are people whom realized wonderful choreography)
Sorry but i really don't know how this word can be translated in english!!!! ^o^

However, here the pic:

However, if you want more info, here the link of the official site of the village! ^^  *AKIRIS*

holiday, pic

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