High risk Poorly safe. Avoid or use a safer alternative.Высокий риск.. Избегайте или используйте более безопасную альтернативу.
Herbal fruits are used. It contains essential oil (anethol, stragol) coumarin and flavonoids.
Anethol is neurotoxic and may induce seizures судороги. Mutagenic activity мутагенная активность and mild estrogenic effect have been found. It is excreted in low levels into breast milk.
Stragol has shown a carcinogenic effect on animals. In humans, at recommended dose, such effect has not been seen.
Fennel infusions have been used for treatment of colicky pain in the infant. Also used as a galactogogue despite the fact that no proof on effectiveness is available. Theoretically, it may decrease milk production. Help by ensuring self confidence in the mother, evaluation and dealing with lactation associated problems and giving effective support to nursing mothers would the best ways to enhance milk production.
Excessive consumption has caused letargia, vomiting and hypotonia in either two infants and their mothers.Чрезмерное потребление вызвало летаргию, рвоту и гипотонию в у двух младенцев и их матерей.
Goji Berries
High risk Poorly safe. Avoid or use a safer alternative.
Herbal Teas
High risk Poorly safe. Avoid or use a safer alternative.
Я так понимаю это в общем о любом чае
Мята перечная
Very low risk Compatible. Not risky for breastfeeding or infant. Очень низкий риск. совместимо с ГВ. Никаких рисков для грудного вскармливания или младенца.
It has been used for the treatment of cracked nipple with best results than placebo or Lanolin. In case of use on the nipple, do it after feeding the baby and cleanse thoroughly the surface before the next one.
Для лечения трещин на сосках наилучшие результаты по сравнению с плацебо или ланолином. В случае использования на сосках, сделайте это после кормления ребенка и тщательно очистите поверхность перед следующим кормлением.
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