Full transcription of Merlin panel QA, London Expo09, 23rd May 2009.

May 30, 2009 23:58

Full transcription of Merlin panel QA, London Expo09, 23rd May 2009.

Version 2.1 Tue 9th June 09 at 0940GMT

All of this work is for sharing and comments are welcome especially if you know a word or phrase that's missing or inaccurate.
Versions 2.0+ include changes made based upon the geeksyndicate complete audio recording. This transcript may ( Read more... )


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tenshunts June 1 2009, 08:38:08 UTC
During Fav episode yes you are correct it must have been Colin prompted Bradley and then answered himself.
I did wonder if in-fact Colin said "I've got to think about it" beforehand but the video evidence is clear that it wasn't him.

During describe your fellow cast members, yes I too saw Colin say awwww.

During the football. I've not sure Colin asked "what?" before Johnny repeated about the bucket and sponge. It would make sense though so I'll add it as a bracket for now.

During the franchise dolls yes Colin does laugh just before the host says about making someones day. I didn't include that moment but I will now. Its a shame we don't know what the audience muttered -- clearly Colin heard it and laughed!

During descibe your fellow cast members its not clear if Colin says "'I'm not disturbed" but I heard something and the video shows Colin with an indignant look rather than an agreeing look? Thats why I put it in brackets. Jury is out.

I'm waiting for the geeksyndicate audio to be published it may help to enhance the accuracy of the transcript.

Also, your help please during the discussion on costumes I wonder if Katie is describing Charlotte's work "really really a tour-de-force for us she is amazing" what do you think?

OK I will amend the transcript now. Many thanks again!


estioe June 1 2009, 12:55:34 UTC
I did wonder if in-fact Colin said "I've got to think about it" beforehand but the video evidence is clear that it wasn't him.

I did wonder that too, but yeah, the evidence points to Johnny.

the video shows Colin with an indignant look rather than an agreeing look?

It could be because we watched different videos? There's quite a few out there with different angles and such. So I'm not sure now. I'll leave it up to you.

The costume discussion, that's what I heard Katie say. :D So I think that's fine.


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