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estioe June 27 2009, 04:22:56 UTC
KM: she’s been good in all of them, actually because she comes back again
CM: Yeah.

well this is the first time I’ve seen her since…when ep one…when she was literally that brief little appearance of her readin’ the let’er.

BJ: wait for it!

AC: come on lets ‘ave it
KM: *giggles*

BJ: ah we’re just about to find out what he’s going to say
CM: Yeah.

CM: oh yeh yeh
KM: yeh yeh

KM: the riders the guys on horses these are all from France-
CM: Oh, that's right.
KM: French riders and the horses as well came over they’re _unbelievable_

BJ: there’s the chicken again! I hope that chicken gets a credit
AC: The chicken has stolen the show.

BJ: sorry technicians could you put Merlin back on because he’s just slipped into the Matrix there.
AC: That was amazing.

KM: I don’t know what I’m doing with my face there, see there it is you broke it.

KM: it is really hard when you’re so busy not to make faces when you’re doing it isn't it-
CM: Yeah.
KM: - or to make noises like whoom whoom.

BJ: they got this huge like fan basically-
CM: Yeah.
BJ: -and well stuck it in our faces and right just stand there we’re going to blow a load of hay and mud at you at incredibly high velocity.

KM: wow that’s amazing
CM: Yeah

Also, that was Angel, I believe.

CM: {tuts} just ditch him in it, God that’s…pretty bad (?)

CM: cheers guys thanks. Pass the tissues

KM: this is like a very serious moment should we like, you know, be like all serious?

AC: they’ll fade us out, don't worry {giggles}

BJ: No…
KM: Doesn't he have like one last speech-

AC: that’s where we got toward the edge
BJ: *voice* Where do we go?

KM: {laughs} I saw that look!


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