1. Think back to a time where you couldn't stop smiling?
Homecoming ’06.
2. When you were younger, did you play with Street Sharks?
What in the world are those? It reminds me of "West Side Story" haha.
3. What's your favorite Adam Sandler movie?
I don’t like Adam Sandler very much nowadays. But I liked his older movies like "Waterboy" and "Little Nicky".
4. What would your dream clothing line be called?
“Under $10”. xD
5. What do you think of Vannessa Anne Hudgens now after she's taken nude photos?
I personally think that if she personally wanted to do it, it’s her own problem and it’s not anyone’s right to judge her. This is a personal and private matter that should not be publicized.
6. Should she still be considered in the Disney Circle?
Sure, why not. She’s still a good actress and singer.
7. Describe the shirt you're wearing?
Striped ¾ sleeves sweater.
8. In your opinion, do you think "scary" movies nowadays live up to their genre?
There’s always some that escape the norm and are actually quite enjoyable such as "The Skeleton Key". There’s always Asian scary movies. Those are freaky.
9. How many levels are in your house?
I live in a dorm. But my house has 2 levels.
10. Your mom is cooking in the kitchen. What would the perfect dish you could go for right now?
Beef tail soup.
11. Supposing you have a job, what do you do? If not, where would you like to work?
I work at a photo lab. I just sit there and check out equipment to people who want to print stuff. It’s pretty fun, really. I would like to actually work as a waitress. It sounds fun to me, for some reason.
12. Do you have a Jack-in-the-Box around where you live?
Nope. :/
13. When you go to your local mall, what's usually the first store you go into?
Now, I’d probably head straight for Steve & Barry’s. That store is wonderful. :]
14. Do you have a favorite video game at the moment?
I haven’t started playing it yet, but I know that as soon as I do, Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass will be my favorite game.
15. What do you think of MTV?
It used to be SO good. I miss Daria, Clone High, Say what karaoke, Carson Daly…
16. What attracts you more? A good smile, nice teeth or perfect hair?
I’d have to echo naimu and say “all or nothing”. xD
17. Do you enjoy dressing up for dances? (Prom, Homecoming, etc.) What did you wear to your last dance?
Definitely! What girl doesn’t? xD For Prom last year, I wore a beige dress. I sorta wish I wore a puffy dress. Now I really want to wear one… :/
18. Are there any pregnant girls in your school?
Probably. But I didn’t know any.
19. Do you think it would be fun if you were a model?
Sure, but only if I could still eat chocolate. :] I would like to get free clothes.
20. Is there a specific piece of clothing you really want to buy right now?
Too many! I’d like to have a strapless dress, white boots, patterned tights, tailored trenchcoat, a checkered dress, etc…
21. Have you ever placed something on top of your car, then only realizing it after you started driving?
YES. TOO MANY TIMES. I destroyed my wonderful $10 metal yardstick that way.
22. Does your school let you go out for lunch? If so, where's your favorite place you eat?
Nah. If I did, I'd probably go to Subways.
23. Are teenagers capable of falling in love in your opinion?
I wouldn’t know.
24. When it's cold outside, what's your favorite thing to wear?
Coat, boots, scarf, the works! A hat if it’s really super cold.
25. Would you want to be cremated or buried?
26. Why does dying cost a lot?
Because everyone dies so people try to milk you for as much money as they can.
27. What recent movie have you seen that you think sucked?
Well I re-watched Transformers recently and it still sucked. I like the robots, just not the movie.
28. What 2 animals would you breed to create a new species?
That’s called a chimaera. And what did we learn about chimaeras from Full Metal Alchemist? >_>; It would be awesome if turtleducks existed, though.
29. What did you think of the movie adaption of the broadway, Hairspray?
LOVED IT TO PIECES. I loved James Marsden the best in that and he was excellent in Enchanted as well.
30. East Side, West Side. Which side you reppin' G?
As a side note, I hate when I try really hard, but the other side just doesn't seem to get it. I mean, don't you want to still be friends?
But I'm probably overreacting.