Well Behaved Women... (Chapter 5)

Jul 01, 2012 18:40

Well Behaved Women Don't Make History
by tenshinrtaiga
Disclaimer: I don't own the Nine Lives of Chloe King or the Covenant.
Summary: Sequel to The Witch Uniter. Things are hectic for Chloe now that the Order has found out who she is and her secret is blown at her high school. It doesn't help that things are still rocky for her and Alek and that she and Reid keep getting closer. But those problems don't matter if she can't get the local supernaturals to agree to her peace treaty.

"How did you manage to talk my brothers into this?" Chloe wondered as she and Jasmine crept down the empty hallway.

"It was surprisingly easy," Jasmine replied. "At least it was after we mentioned the pool part."

"Ah." Chloe nodded in understanding. "The boys do love to swim," she conceded as they finally stepped inside their destination.

"Surprise!" Amy cheered once Chloe walked in, despite the fact that it was not, in fact, a surprise. It was the middle of the night and they had just broken into their high school's pool to throw Chloe her birthday party. "Have some cake." Amy shoved a piece into Chloe's hands.

Alek smirked as he walked up to Chloe. "Happy birthday," he whispered as he leaned down for a chaste, yet meaningful kiss. He wrapped his arm around her and tucked her into his side comfortably while she ate her cake.

"Happy birthday, Baby Girl!" Reid cheered from the water. He and the other boys had already jumped in, not bothering to wait for Chloe to arrive to her own party.

"Thanks." Chloe gave a smirk. "So nice of you to wait for me before enjoying yourself." Reid just gave a casual shrug in reply as if to say 'what can you do'.

There was music playing softly in the background as Chloe talked with her friends. Finally, the boys left the pool in favor of drinks and food… and the birthday girl, of course.

Chloe walked toward the edge of the pool and was just about to comment, well, tease the boys about how they ignored her when she heard the sound of rolling thunder. She froze in recognition. That sound proved to be the only warning she got.

Clouds quickly began to roll in, the earth began to rumble and a storm began to brew. Amy let out a heart stopping scream catching everyone's attention as Chloe was struck viciously by lightning.

"Chloe!" Alek yelled out running toward the girl before Jasmine caught his arm to prevent him from getting too close. "What is going on?" he asked hysterically as he was forced to watch Chloe scream in pain.

"It can't be," Reid muttered, staring with a furrowed brow, catching Amy, Paul, Alek and Jasmine's attention.

"What can't be?" Jasmine asked before Alek could get even more upset.

"This is what we were telling you about. The Ascension," Tyler explained, looking worried for his sister.

"But it's too soon," Reid added, not taking his eyes off the girl as a wave of pure power radiated out of her like a shockwave. The force of the power caused Jasmine and Alek to take a step back in order to keep balanced, but Amy and Paul were blown backwards, falling to the floor unconscious. The Covenant didn't even flinch. "Her birthday isn't for another 3 hours."

Chase was silent for a moment before his face turned solemn in realization. "We're forgetting one important thing. We're in California."

The other boys plus Jasmine and Alek looked at him in confusion, wondering why he'd choose to bring up something so blatantly obvious and equally unimportant before suddenly, Caleb's eyes widened with understanding. "Shit," he muttered causing everyone to turn to face him questioningly, wondering what he seemed to understand from Chase's words that they didn't. "It's 12.04 in Massachusetts."

Tyler, Pogue and Reid's eyes all widened as they too understood what they had missed. Reid let out a curse as he realized their stupidity whereas Tyler chose to let out his anger by kicking the wall. Pogue did neither of those things. Nothing could be done about it now. All they could do was be there for their sister as she Ascended.

"But Chloe's from Ukraine," Pogue mentioned. "So, that would mean that her birthday had been converted beforehand to what it would have been in Massachusetts."

"Probably by her dad." Caleb nodded. "It sounds like something Mr. King would've done." They had never met Jonathon King, but the man had been meticulous in setting up protections for his daughter. He certainly would have been the type to convert the time Chloe was born to the time it would have been in Massachusetts in preparation for her Ascension. He would've had no way of knowing that they would move to California, thus screwing up his calculations.

Alek couldn't take his eyes off his girlfriend. The lightning bolts had stopped, but there were still sparks across her skin; bursts of electricity that made the hair on his skin stand on end. The bursts seemed to occur faster and faster, causing Chloe to scream louder until finally, she was bathed in a bright light of electricity. Her body liquefied as she dropped to her knees before the water reformed into her body.

After ones' Ascension, the Power becomes their life; the body becomes capable of channeling so much more power than before. The liquefaction and reformation of her body is what allows the Power to entwine more deeply. It's what allowed for the Covenant's strength, but it's also what caused the aging.

"Chloe!" Alek rushed forward, but Caleb quickly got in his way.

"Not yet," he cautioned the blond Mai. "She's not ready yet." They turn to watch to Chloe. The room was silent save for her ragged breathing. She reached out a shaking hand and pressed it against the floor, using it to help push herself up. She stood unsteadily, leaning back heavily against the wall before forcing herself away, standing using her own willpower. Finally, she looked up to meet their gaze.

"Chlo!" Reid cried out as he was instantly by her side, Tyler not far behind him. In seconds she was surrounded by her family who were all hugging her and checking her over to make sure she was okay.

Alek scowled at the scene but Jasmine's gentle hand on his arm cautioned him against making a scene. Like it or not, he knew that these men were Chloe's family and because of that, they would always take priority with her.

The boys led Chloe out, not giving Alek a second glance. Caleb turned around as the others exited the room. "We're bringing her home. You can wake Amy and Paul up and meet us there if you want," he instructed distractedly. His eyes kept wandering to the hallway that Chloe was going down. It was easy to see that his thoughts still lingered with his baby sister. Once he finished, he quickly left, not even sparing a glance to his girlfriend.

It stung at Jasmine's pride a little bit but she understood. She quickly went to Amy to gently wake the girl. "Alek," she growled when Alek made to follow Caleb. "Wake Paul first," she ordered.

He scowled back at her, unhappy with her orders. He wanted to check on Chloe. Regardless, he reached down to shove Paul's shoulder. "Wake up," he demanded of the Korean boy.

Paul's eyes fluttered open. "What happened?" he asked blearily.

"You fainted," Alek answered while getting up.

Jasmine rolled her eyes. "Chloe ascended," she reminded gently as Amy began waking up as well. "The boys took her back home. When you feel up to it, we'll follow them."

Alek scowled at the clause Jasmine had added. Why did they have to wait for the humans to 'feel up to it'? Why couldn't they just shove them in the car and drive? Who knows how long it would take them to recover-

"Let's go!" Amy demanded, sitting up. Her legs quickly gave out on her causing her to collapse into Jasmine's arms. Stubbornly, she let go of Jasmine and tried to stand on her own again, this time succeeding. "Chloe needs us." She strode determinately towards the door, clearly expecting everyone to follow her.

Alek gave a small smirk before doing so. Alright, maybe the humans weren't that bad after all.

In bed, Chloe turned onto her side to get more comfortable. It was early in the morning and she had been watched over all night by her friends. Even now she could make out Reid asleep in her chair, facing the bed and she could feel Alek's eyes on her from the other side of the room. It was nice to know she was this loved.

Of course the boring of eyes into her back made it difficult to sleep.

Awake, Chloe had no choice but to think about what had happened. This was it. She was officially eighteen and ascended. The power she had before was nothing compared to what she could feel running through her veins now. It felt so easy, like another arm. It would take barely a conscious thought to Use.

And it was seductive.

And scary.

She had heard the others talking about how tempting the power was and the hardship it took to keep from getting addicted. But there was a difference in hearing about it and actually experiencing it. She had thought that her powers before were seductive, but now… Now she realized how naïve that thought had really been.

And the worst part is that she knew what the consequences were and she still wanted to do it. She still wanted to Use.

It was there, buzzing under her skin, wanting to get out, tempting her to let it out.

But she couldn't. Because listening to the power was the easiest way to lose your head in the magic; in the addiction.

She could still remember Uncle William. The man that he was. The man that he died as.

He used to be so energetic; so full of life. And then he began to use. He loved the power more than his own wife and child. And he also began to age. Age until he was a decrepit old man at the ripe age of 40.

A shiver went down her spine. She could never allow herself to become addicted because she could never live with herself if she did that to her own family. The aging was bad enough, but breaking the hearts of everyone she loved? That she could never do.

With a small sigh, she sat up, tossing the covers away from her body. The sound startled Reid from sleep while Alek moved forward to the bed.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly. It was still extremely early in the morning.

Chloe gave him a smile. This was the first time in a while that he'd acted like the Alek she knew; the one she had agreed to go out with and not the possessive jerk she'd started to grow accustomed too. "I'm okay," she replied. "Just energized."

Reid nodded knowingly. He understood. After the Ascension, it took a while to get used to the power buzzing underneath the skin. It tended to lead to quite a few sleepless nights in the beginning. "Breakfast?" he offered.

Chloe nodded and led the way downstairs. She was unsurprised to find the rest of her brothers in the kitchen waiting for her. They too remembered the sleeplessness. "Jasmine, Amy and Paul are still sleeping," Caleb said without needing to be asked. He handed her a cup of coffee.

"How are you?" Pogue asked.

Chloe gave it some thought. "Okay," she finally settled on. "Though I realize that its probably only going to get worse."

"But then it'll get better," Tyler comforted. The first couple of days were the hardest as Chloe's body got used to the new sensations. It was like a blind person suddenly being able to see. It took a while for things to fall into place the way they were before.

There was a silence as they all got lost in their individual thoughts and memories of their own Ascensions. Alek looked around broodingly. He realized that he was the odd duck out. This wasn't something he could help Chloe with because it wasn't something he had experienced before. Only the Covenant could support Chloe in this new chapter of her life.

He scoffed lightly. Nothing would be changing there then. The Covenant had always been the one to support Chloe. She never relied on Alek the way she relied on her family. On Reid.

Amy, Paul and Jasmine wandered into the room, probably having been woken up by their voices. As the three grabbed a cup of coffee, Chase spoke. "Oh, it's almost seven," he said as he reached out to flip the radio on.

"And here's the moment you've all been waiting for," the radio host announced. "The very first single from her debut album 'Notorious', this is Chloe King with 'Work'!"

Hearing the familiar beat start, Chloe's face gained a happy smile as she reached out to give Reid a high five. Amy gave an excited squeal as she heard her friend's voice over the radio. She quickly crossed the kitchen to give Chloe an excited hug.

As Chloe was quickly swarmed with excited congratulations, she smiled warmly. This was how her birthday should be spent. Not with fear of her powers, but instead surrounded by her loved ones.

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category: the covenant/nine lives, ship: chloe/alek, category: crossover, character: reid g., character: caleb d., series: the witch uniter, fic: well behaved women, character: alek p., character: pogue p., character: chloe k., fanfiction, character: tyler s., character: chase c.

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