I had a talk with someone I haven't talked to in quite sometime, in fact since before I left for training; Anne. (For those who don't know who that is...) Anne, or Ayn, was a girl I met in Dallas, TX while working at Best Buy back in summer of '03. We kind of hit it off and got along great, until when time came...I made the decision to move back to Indiana. It was a difficult decision for me to make, sometimes I regret it, but most of the time I don't. Back to the original reason for this post;
We started talking about the good old days at Best Buy. I started thinking about the guys I used to work with; Jimmy, Matt, Nathan, Ahmed (I know :P), all those bitches back in the computer department. I really started to miss those guys, I had so much fun at my job. Past memories can sometimes hurt, and these did. Old feelings started to bubble back up while I talked to her, and I find myself missing her. A lot.