005 - [Voice]

Jul 31, 2008 09:56

[Sephiroth's voice is delicate, precise, and calm, like the scalpel of one of the scientists that he so hates. There's a conversational lilt to it, as ever, something casual and amicable and difficult not to like, but it's repulsive all the same.]

Gone, is she?


Well, I tried it one way. Perhaps this will prove to be more entertaining...

((The fountain water has been corrupted, a la AC and what he did to Elena first. It won't look much different, other than having a black sheen to it, and it ill smell or taste no different, aside perhaps from a very subtle metallic tang, like when you bite your cheek and taste blood. Any who drink from it will find themselves recieving a gift - a diluted amount of Jenova cells, enough to give them a link with Sephiroth, and enough to put them virtually at his command. Those with the stronger wills can fight it, but it is very powerful, and will at the least be impossible to ignore.

Foreshadowing this, five of the shadow creepers (the monsters that the Remnants summon in AC) will be stalking around the city, close to the fountain. They will be content enough to parade about, as basically a great big 'Sephiroth was and still is here', but may attack if provoked. They won't last long, however, only ten minutes or so before the all fade away.

Feel free to have your character see them, or attack them, of course. Heck, if you want to thread a fight or something I'll NPC it should you want.

If your character drinks the fountain water, drop me a note here or on AIM. Sephiroth has designs on you. And you. And even you. <3))

hay purg, on the way to villain points, elena mah giiirl, humans for the lose

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