[Urd sounds very tired and a little subdued, but there's definitely that good ol' fire lurking under the surfaceMao. I know Yorda is with you. Until we've dealt with whatever is affecting people, it's better that she stays with you. She needs someone she can trust right now, even if it isn't me. Keep an eye on her, keep her safe and I'll make it
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Even if it is a kidnapping it's not like I'm going to do something stupid like that.
...how is she?
It has to be the fog. No other conclusion makes sense. You're the head science guy, what do you make of all this?
If it's the fog, there's probably something in it. If it was just some kind of magic, someone would have picked up on it by now. I'll need to get a sample of it tonight. Maybe take some blood samples, too.
Some samples from someone affected, right? When you get some, save one for me. Between the two of us, maybe we can make a cure. Or at the very least, some kind of dampener.
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