Jun 22, 2011 16:53
Starting to wonder if some companies are jerking me around. Last Friday, I got a call about a follow up to a phone-screening I had gotten. They wanted to do an inperson interview, but they wanted me to come by that day. I simply can't do that, I've been telling pretty much everyone I need 24 hours notice. So they said they'd get back to me....it's now nearly EoD Wednesday and nothing......
Different company, late call yesterday (close to 6, long after I've stopped expecting to hear from folk) he says 'I have an interview for you tomorrow'. I hedge a bit as it's very late in the day, but I agree to keep my day free, he says he'll call me back as soon as he hears something.
And I heard nothing from him today. When I emailed him asking about it, he gave a quickly typed 'will keep you informed thanks for your email'. Makes me wonder.
Everything's not doom and gloom. I have an interview Friday, and SUPPOSEDLY (grain of salt given my paranoid nature), Popcap saw my resume and wants to talk, problem is, their Hiring Manager is on vacation in Europe, so SUPPOSEDLY they'll try to schedule a phone call sometimes in the next couple of weeks....meh, we'll see.