directly from brain to keyboard

May 04, 2012 19:51

Mrrrphhh, I haven't been checking my flists lately, and I think that's partially because I feel like I want to be a hermit while simultaneously craving interaction right now. Quite an ambivalent state of affairs. I think I'm feeling stressed since I'm showing the same signs as I used to, which is a bit odd since I'm actually surprisingly on top of my university work this semester.

Looking back over some of the peer assessment things I've done for my course, I've sort of come to the realisation that I'm pretty bad at giving compliments and praise. That's something that's going to need to change soon. I also feel creatively drained ever since I started this course. I'm not sure if that's because I've been putting most of my energy into analysis (for both my coursework and for RP) meaning there's not much left for creating, or if that's because I channel all my creativity into RP instead.

There's a couple of late pictures I need to draw for people once I get over the inertia. I need to update a few lists, too. I know there's a certain set of Dissidia ficlets I need to catch up reading up on |3a

I've also been wanting to write DDS fic for some time now, but I find the duology surprisingly hard to write for. Here's a snippet of something I've been working on every once in a while since mid April.

and the fantasy
When Serph woke, he remembered seeing a blue sky and the sound of the ocean, though he didn’t know what the latter was.

He starts dreaming of another life -- strange that he knows what a dream is, when he’s never dreamed before -- where he’s surrounded by the same four familiar faces in a land of sand and greenery and buildings that aren’t dilapidated. Argilla, Heat, Cielo, Sera, but never Gale… and never anyone else from the Tribe. They -- the people of the Junkyard -- don’t know what a dream is, but Sera does, when he asks.

“Dreams are what you wish were real,” is her answer. And she stares at him, long and hard, before looking away when he tilts his head in confusion.

It’s a disconcerting thought. Where is the rest of his Tribe? That’s always the question at the forefront of his mind, when he wakes without the threat of attack. It’s a question he has the opportunity to ask himself more frequently as the Embryon grows, fattened from members of the other Tribes as leader after leader falls until there’s no other leader left to kill except himself.

Also, muse strength meme. Which is a bit wasted because I have ONE CHARACTER. And I can't be bothered fixing the tables that broke in the transition from LJ to DW so no pretty icons.

Character: Serph
Series: Digital Devil Saga
Currently fielded in:
Muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □
I haven't yet encountered anything where I've been seriously stumped on how to respond with Serph. He came surprisingly easily to me, even easier than Joshua, I'd say. I'm pretty pleased that I've managed to protagonist a few characters within a short period of time and he's got a lot of good CR. I've mentioned in the past that I used to have difficulty playing non-trolls because CR with trolls is like instant gratification, whereas playing 'good guys' requires a lot of effort to get anything interesting/meaningful. But I haven't had that problem with Serph. I think it's because Serph himself treats every encounter with (new) people as a new and exciting thing, and he has an active interest in how people are doing.

But, as always, there's still points I can improve with on him. Firstly, I don't think I'm casual enough with Serph's manner of speaking. I have this tendency to hang around Gale-like formality when Serph talks, and I flip-flop between using contractions and not a lot. However, Serph is pretty informal, especially when he's talking to friends. And he says a lot of stupid things that gets him chewed out.

And keeping track of what he knows and doesn't know -- or trying to determine his knowledge based on inferences from canon -- can get really tricky at times. Which basic concepts does he understand? Will he know what INSERT ITEM X is? These are questions I ask myself depressingly frequently!

Cast strength: ■ ■ □ □ □
I've got a Cielo and a Gale, which is two more than I thought I'd get, heh. Serph would still flourish on his own, but I admit that having his Tribe around really helps a lot, both on a comfort level sense and a trust sense. I mean, as even handed as he Serph is in his approach to dealing with people, the Tribe is always his. And having the Tribe around keeps himself in check, too. Having all of them around keeps him balanced.

Plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ □ □
Serph is... very different to plot with, compared to the other characters I've had. I really like how he tends to evoke ambivalent feelings because of how adult-like he is, while having that tempered with a severe lack of knowledge of anything outside of killing. Serph's really easy to get into things since he's interested in learning more about new things in general, and he's really very sociable, despite being heavy on the silent side of protagonists. Sometimes it can be a bit difficult to get long threads with him, especially with people he hasn't met before, but I think what I'm doing right now -- having lots of short threads that build on his relationships -- has netted him some really solid relationships.

Aside from his general interest in people and how easy it is to drag him into new things, Serph's mindset of kill before being killed is definitely a potential plotting point. He doesn't make any effort to hide that mindset, though, and it could easily be a point of contention, even if he's nice about it. And the cannibalism, yes, though that's a thing that's generally kept under wraps. Also the potential to lose control of his demon, but that's definitely not something that should be happening frequently.

Likelihood of drop: □ □ □ □ □
Definitely not any time soon.

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~baa says the meme sheep, ~incomplete, !fic, digital devil saga: omnomnom

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