
May 06, 2011 00:25

Starting to consider turning this into an art blog, though I know that the moment I do, I'll probably stop doing so much art. I do like updating with WIPs on stuff I'm working on here, though.

First off, I would just like to say that drawing armour is a nightmare and a half for me. Secondly, though you can't see it here, but drawing people sitting crosslegged is another nightmare. I also think the picture is a bit too top-heavy for my liking (again, you can't see this from this screenshot), which I think I'm going to have to do something about. And it looks like I've changed eye style again. Considering doing the final inks with hatching to make it reminiscent of FFT; I think the Onion Knight costume would work well with that. Also, I think I don't really appreciate a costume's design until I draw it; I did not notice the FANGS sticking out the back of Onion Knight's helmet and had no idea his upper arm armour are actually asymmetrical until I drew it.

Aspen: Why is Joshua Onion Knight again?
Me: same voice actor
Aspen: I'd picture him as one of the magick-y --oh
Aspen: Cause I was thinking like [fighting style wise]
Aspen: He would be Kuja
Me: are you suggesting I draw him in a thong, aspen
Aspen: You know you want to

Drawing equines is yet another nightmare, and 'simple' things are pretty difficult for me * A*. I tend to like to fill up space with lines of sorts, which is why I actually find Joshua harder to draw than Neku (not counting those shoes) despite drawing Joshua a lot more.

And now, snippets of writing!

He paused, before he added hesitantly, "I know someone who might be able to answer your questions better than any of us can. Here, lemme give you his address."

He dug out a pen and tore out a page in a notebook -- curious, she could see all sorts of squiggly lines and music notes drawn on the page before he shut it, hiding it from her sight -- and hastily scribbled out a name and address before handing it to her. Taking it, she asked, "Is there anything I should know before going to see your mysterious friend?"

A pause, before the corner of Neku's mouth twitched upwards in a slightly stifled laugh. "Yeah. Bring some yen with you."

Nevertheless, Joshua deigned to give Sanae a response, despite not being particularly interested in hearing yet another one of Sanae’s yawn inducing art talks. However, he was curious about Sanae’s opinion of the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Advent Children movie. “What makes you say that?”

The barista gave him a hearty chuckle before handing over a warm cup of coffee. Joshua took it from him, secretly grateful in this cooling weather, but immediately disappointed when he tasted the unremarkable flavour of instant coffee. “Sorry, J,” Sanae said, not sounding sorry at all, “Meetings with the higher ups don’t leave a lot of time to clean [coffee pots], y’know.” Before Joshua could point out that he could be cleaning them now so he could brew him some actually decent coffee, the barista went on to answer the earlier question. “It’s a real wonder in computer graphics. Looks real enough, but not too real.”

“But that’s not what makes it art.” CAT wasn’t famous for having a realistic style, after all.

Sanae gave a short bark of laughter that was quickly swallowed up in Shibuya’s noisy throng of people. “Nope; it’s about the three I’s.”

“Imagination, imprinting, inspiration,” Joshua said dully, taking a sip of the terrible, but blissfully warm, coffee. He’d heard all this before.

“Oh good, you have been paying attention. Didn’t know you cared.”

Joshua successfully resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “You pick up a few things when you hear it a hundred times.”

Tai had to give the kid credit; his hairdo rivalled even his own crazy spikes! He heard T.K give a bright and happy laugh, waving. And Tai had to admit, hearing T.K.’s happy laugh was a good sound to hear after yesterday. But something gnawed at the back of Tai’s mind. Something important. Weren’t they forgetting something...?


Something froze in T.K.’s face when the other kid turned and looked through them and walked away.

Speaking of writing, though, it kind of feels like my writing is extremely unrefined when I first put words down. Maybe it's the same for other people, I dunno. But most of the expression comes out in the third or so edit, which is a little frustrating; it feels like it takes a long time (too long) for me to churn out anything halfway decent OTL. At the very least, I've stopped staring at a blank page for minutes-hours when I sit down to write, thanks to Write or Die, so I guess I've gotten a bit faster at the very least.

~incomplete, !fic, dissidia: 9 heros and tidus, twewy: not seven days, pokémon: 10 years late to the craze, digimon: dogs = cats = angels??, !art, ~spoiler: joshua is jesus

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