Quickish update

Nov 01, 2009 22:54

I am working on the tricks I owe people ! Turns out mediocre badfic is more difficult than flat-out badfic.

Tricks go here. NSFW, though one should be Not Safe For Brain
From levikitty: Joshuaa atteempts to wriite goodpoorn. Aand faails. Puut iit oon yoour jouurnal or tiits.

"The sweat that came from the heat between their bodies only drove them to press against each other harder, in a more needy want for each other. Pressing him up against the wall, mouth on neck, he could feel his body arch under him, and he started undoing his pants. But before he could finish, he felt hands slide past the waistband of his underwear and let a gasp slip past at the touch. Arching as he was stroked, he could feel the blood rushing to his loins. In the heat of the moment, he gripped his partner and dragged him to the bed.

"It wasn't long before they were completely naked on the bed, him pinning his partner down and grinding his hips against his. Leaning down, he whispered in a voice that was low in the best way possible, "You and me, baby. We ain't nothing but mammals," and his teeth nipped at the skin of his neck."

It was like watching an airship on its way to crashing into a cliff; he couldn't stop reading, even though he had no idea what was going on anymore.

"They rolled around the bed, swapping positions, from pinning to being pinned to pinning again, fingernails digging into skin and panting when their mouths weren't biting or sucking necks, collarbones, nipples. He bit down hard on his partner's shoulder to stifle the loud moan when he felt fingers between his legs. Ohhh he was ready. Roughly pulling his partner's leg's over his body, he pressed down onto his body and pushed himself in, thru-

Ness abruptly stopped reading. "You're not putting this on the Network."

"Why not?"

The look on Joshua's face made him wonder if this was supposed to be a genuine attempt. Ness could say something about how confusing it was when the characters weren't referred to by name, was there even enough room on a bed to roll around like that and wouldn't that be painful without any lu- Wait, why was he even considering giving Joshua constructive criticism on this?! No, "Just, no."


For fushimiru: I saw this costume while Halloween shopping today that totally reminded me of Joshua! So I want you to draw him in it, then post it on your journal AND Tits!


For critical: do something with your OCs i haven't seen them in foreverrrrr

Drawing while lying down is hard :< Also, I had Brawl on the brain.


For fae_of_the_rose: You must write Josh/Ness. And post it in Tits.

The ring Joshua had given Ness one Lunasa was supposed to be a proposal, and he'd spent a good portion of a year wondering if Ness just couldn't decide, or if Ness meant to reject him, but couldn't figure out a way to do so without hurting his feelings.

Joshua should've known his proposal had simply gone over Ness' head.

So he proposed (again). Properly this time, bent on one knee in front of Ness, with the proffered ring in a velvet box. He grinned a little at the look of surprise on Ness' face, heart leaping in joy when Ness took the ring. But Joshua's feeling of great happiness ebbed when Ness opted to hold the ring up to his eye and examine it carefully instead of giving him a reply. An agonising minute later, and Ness' response? "Isn't this the ring you gave me two Lunasas ago?"


One wedding later, and Joshua couldn't help but feel a little... disappointed? They were seated beside each other holding hands, leaning against each other in that comfortable way they'd perfected in all the time they'd known each other. Sighing a little, he leant more heavily against Ness. "This doesn't feel any different from how things were before. What do we do now?"

Ness just smiled and leaned over, arms going around Joshua's neck. "I guess we'll just keep on doing what we've always been doing," he said, giving Joshua a kiss.

Joshua couldn't find any reason to argue with that.


Admittedly half the reason they weren't done yet is because I spent about 8 hours almost non stop playing Brawl. I think it was time well spent, but my eyeballs disagree with me. I am still hilari-bad at Brawl (the stupidest ways I have died, there are so many), but I'm definitely better at Brawl than I am at SSB. The characters I feel most comfortable playing at the moment are Peach, Pikachu, Bowser(!!), Lucas and Ness (but only in my ground game for the last two. I haven't got the timing for PK Thunder down yet, so I keep on shooting AWAY from the edge /facepalm).

I'm powering my way through Shadow of the Colossus. It's kind of interesting that travel time doesn't bother me nearly as much in this game than it would in another game. Because there is a lot of travel time when you hunt for the next Colossus. I think it might be because I treat Shadow of the Colossus less like a game and more like an experience. I find myself pulling on the reins to slow Agro (Wander's very awesome horse) down to a stop in front of a tree and get off, instead of just galloping full-speed at the tree and just jumping off. Functionally, they do the same thing in game (put me in a position by the tree), but I know that sending a horse directly into a tree is a Very Bad Thing in real life, so I don't do that to Agro. Even though I could, with no repercussion in game. That's the kind of effect Shadow of the Colossus has. Things that would annoy me in any other game (like how friggin hard it is to shoot an arrow at eyeball when you're riding a horse going at full speed, which dicks around with your aim) don't annoy me here. I think the only time I felt dicked by the game was against that small Colossus that's afraid of fire. When it charges at me and I fail at dodging, it'll knock Wander to the floor. But in the (very long) time it takes for Wander to get up, it charges Wander before he can move again, and then Wander gets knocked to the floor. Rinse and repeat :|

I'm really kind of B| at my Toto samples, but at this point I'm like NOOOooo I cannot be bothered working on this app anymore. Especially since I'd been working on it off and on since frigging August but couldn't get anything solid down until now (though even that's debatable).

!fic, !art, ~spoiler: joshua is jesus, !game-blog, ~tst related

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