[TV] GACKT - Uesugi Kenshin in Furinkazan (2007) ~Part 01 & Part 02~

Nov 01, 2021 11:34

Oyaaaah !
Last post was in 2018 huh ? Well, I do hope that most of the people who used to follow me here figured that I'm mostly active on my Twitter account, even sharing video links there. Sharing on my blog became not intuitive anymore, plus, having more websites and social medias to hang out in, I have to admit, I kind of gave up on Livejournal. :/
Lots of things happened in my life, good and bad ones. But I'm hanging on, learning lessons and trying to become a better version of myself. I've decided to lock the "Friend's Only" post as well, thinking this would not be necessary anymore as I mostly communicate publicly on Twitter about anything I decide to share. Also, years have passed, and technology improved quite a while, and people with "weak" PC configs are now able to do tasks that required back then high specs, wich is something I truly appreciate. So from now on, I'll provide instructions on how to download a file. If you can't, you'll still have a backup streaming link to enjoy the video ! :3
If you need to register to a website, I'll let you do so. I cannot do as I did before, it's time and energy that I sadly don't have anymore I'm afraid, and I hope you'll hope understand my stand on this.

But back to the topic. You're looking here at a "GACKT cut" of GACKT's role in the historical drama Furinkazan. As you maybe heard of, he played the role of Uesugi Kenshin and the show aired in 2007. Back in the days, HQ files weren't as high quality as they are right now obviously, and file sharing was less of a thing.
We now have streaming services for various things, TV channel, movies (hello Netflix), and even more. VOD has definetly became more and more available with time.
To make it short, with the help of a really good friend of mine, I was able to get access to this drama in a pretty good video quality, wich is something totally new for me. I proceeded to work on a GACKT cut for the ENTIRE drama, and sharing it with you guys became something I felt like doing so.
Now much exists online on this, and definetly NOT in this video quality (720p60), wich is why I worked hard for this.

Well, after all this ramble ... enjoy !

This GACKT-cut has been splitted in 2 video files. Both of them are over 2 Gbs, and over 90+ minutes, so to not make the files even bigger than they are, it is splitted in two different video files. To download files that big on MEGA, you might need to subscribe AND use their softwares to download them. Don't be afraid to do so ! :)

Streaming link : PART 01 ~ PART 02

[TV] GACKT - Uesugi Kenshin in Furinkazan (2007) ~Part 01~ (2,52 Gbs)

[TV] GACKT - Uesugi Kenshin in Furinkazan (2007) ~Part 02~ (3,66 Gbs)

acting, ogata ken, streaming, 風林火山, gackt, kenshin, drama, uesugi kenshin, furinkazan

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