Over 1 millions of visitors, THANK YOU EVERYONE ! <3

Oct 16, 2011 20:33

Hello everyone ! :)
I would like to make a quick entry to say that I'm really happy today. I'm not someone who pay attention to his visits everydays (that's why I've missed the exact million of visits in the screencap below ... xD), but this deserve an entry for me.
Since I've started to actively share GACKT stuff on my Livejournal since June 2009, I've got so much visits, and this, even if I wasn't expecting it. I've started to use this Flag counter because I noticed that the comments I was recieving on each entries was increasing, so I was curious of how much people was interested of what I share. I'm truly happy to have met friends like some people (you will recognize yourself ! ^_~) I've met, all across the world. This is sincerely something that encourage me to continue what I've started since the begining ... to share GACKT videos/scans that you might enjoy !

Seing fans just like me who enjoy the same way as I enjoy this stuff is my best reward for doing this, and as long people will enjoy what I share, I will always continue this, no matter if this LJ is one day no longer. I will always find a place to share the love, for sure ! <3


livejournal, tenshin26100, sutff, gackt, fandom

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