Hello everyone ! :)
Today, I come here with finally the J-Melo video that everyone was maybe waiting for. I've to thanks
sakura_liz for the precious help about a software to use for working on the original record. I was now able to convert it in a special way in .avi to share it with as much persons as possible. The J-Melo with GACKT was broadcasted on NHK World, a channel available almost worldwide, but maybe not everyone was aware that GACKT was shown on TV ! ^_^
The subs on the video aren't from me but was included directly on the TV when he was talking. The reason is that NHK World is an international channel in english about Japan, so they translated his words ! :)
Mediafire link :
[TV] GACKT - Interview at J-Melo (2011.07.04).avi (112 Mb) [TV] GACKT - Interview at J-Melo (2011.07.04).avi (112 Mb)