The Hard-to-Reach Crescent Crusties in the Back

Jun 28, 2006 23:32

When confronted with the above, try mace up the nose. The heavy, spiked medieval war club or the immobilizing aerosol, whichever. This has been your tip for the day.

So I should be in bed. Does anyone else do that thing when they have something to do in the morning where they count down from 12 hours the amount of sleep they're going to get? So for example if you have to be up at 8 AM you look at the clock at 8 PM the night before and sigh and say "12 hours" and then count down from there. Obviously this gives you up to 5 hours after this realization to do with as you please, but those 5 hours will go by very, very fast. Oh yes they will. Well, anyway, if I had done that for today it would have been about 2 hours after I woke up, i.e. 3 PM. That's right, tomorrow marks my second day (Tuesday being the first) of the 4 AM at-work time. Advantages to this include no needy customers in your way, no obnoxious Old Navy CD on loop all day, seeing the sun rise, the ability to chat about whatever, and the ability to sing Disney songs (as was done on Tuesday - "Poor Unfortunate Souls," of course). Disadvantages should be pretty obvious. However, tomorrow I ALSO have Macy's in the evening, which makes my day more taxing but (let's be honest here dears) if I nap until 1 tomorrow I'd be in no different a position than if I had gone to bed normally (as I would wake up at 1 in that case too, only more poor).

Macy's? I'm still a bit terrified of customers. Much like when one first drives a car and believes the car to be in control, as opposed to the other way around. I'll grant that most cars won't bitch at you over returning ruined merchandise, but you get the idea. But the customer is always right. But then again you don't want to get in trouble for providing discounts if they lie. But then again maybe they didn't lie? And all of them are so damn eager to get the hell out! Maybe it's the price of having so many male customers. Yeah I get some old guys who enjoy chatting (thank god) but most give me a look like they'd rather be castrated than chat about their clothing selection. Not that I feel the need to make an overgeneralizing point about the sexes, but almost all the women who are purchasing stuff in my area are FAR FAR more willing to chat or be friendly and don't treat me like I'm trying to run some scam. And they're not even buying things for themselves! For this reason I envy the Macy's workers who deal with the female customers, who are the bulk anyway and are probably there to do some pleasurable shopping that is not an obligation. All I ever hear when I CAN get a conversation going is "Just getting this shirt for work" or something. And don't even try starting up something on underwear or socks. "So! This is some great underwear! Special occasion?" This also translates to fewer Macy's credit cards, as half the time I get cut off before I finish my sentence and the other half the guy's already got his credit card out and his leg is humping the counter with eagerness to get the hell out. Where's the pleasure? The leisure? I guess the men who enjoy shopping for clothes all go elsewhere (Banana Republic, the fags).

Last weekend hell froze over and family members met the boyfriend. Well, brother and family specifically. It went rather well except for the Greek Festival being sold out of everything (including gyros?! WHAT THE FUCK. It stops being a Greek Festival once you sell out of those). But we ate at a fun place (outside) and had ice cream and at the end of the evening I had a good feeling!

I feel a bit like I'm starting to settle too much in a routine and, pleasant though it may be, it needs to be flogged away. While I'm not suggesting that I should cast aside all attachments and prowl downtown Cincinnati as an infamous rake and scoundrel, bringing home one ruined damsel after another night after night after night... I must admit the lack of scenery-changing to occur (time? money?) and the relative absence/not-calling-ness of friends will only exacerbate the problem. I'm comfortable, and I'm enjoying it, I just need a bit more variety if I can get off my lazy ass and do something about it. I just can't deal with the relative lameness of work without some spice. I have plenty of media to entertain - books, movies, video game (well, if I can pick up X-Men Legends 2 and force myself to enjoy it).

Two words: theme park.
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