[oneshot] Sweet Escape

May 20, 2011 21:48

a/n: Kinda late in posting this one, coz I'm sick lately.. :( anyway, ruilian_thatsme , I'm not good with AU, so don't kill me for this. This is for you Rin-chan (ruilian_thatsme )  :)

Sweet Escape

“Good morning,” She said in English while descending the stairs, rubbing her eyes off her sleepiness.

“Ohayou Rin, just to remind you, you’re in Japan now, so no talking in English, and what are you wearing?” Her good mother asked looking at her from head to toe.

“Mama-” She started but was stopped abruptly by her mother’s death stare.

“Fine, OKAASAN” She said whilst stressing the Japanese term for mothers, “You can’t blame me for I’ve been used to it, besides, what’s wrong with speaking in English?”

“I never said something that is against it, I’m just worried that you will soon forget your native tongue, and again, what are you wearing?”

“That would not happen,” She uttered in pure Japanese w/ a slight change in accent which her mother took notice that her eyebrow was now raising too high - “And about this, this was called night dress,” She explained gazing from her mother onto her night dress which was made with black silk, not to mention, too flimsy that her underwear could be seen through, add the fact that it was too short, showing most of her skin.

“I know what its called, silly. What I meant was that why you were wearing such clothes in the very morning and on top of it, in front of 5 grown men. Are you seducing them? I don’t recall ever raising you in that manner Rin.” Her mother said in an icy tone.

“Okaasan!” She shot a warning look at her mother, but before she could say anything further, her eyes traveled around the dining hall and understood what her mother meant. “Wha-” Rin opened her mouth only to close it again when she realized that all eyes were turned to her, even the eyes of the person she least expected to see. “What are these guys doing here?” She was taken aback by the sudden surge of memories on her mind.

It’s been 5 years since I last saw him.. She thought while looking at him closely. Since it was the first time after so many years that she would be having breakfast in their house, Rin didn’t expect that her boyfriend-turned-ex would be there in the very morning.

“I need some space”

Those were the last words she heard from him after the incident between them. They didn’t have a formal break-up at all, but just the fact that he had not, even once, contacted her for so long is enough reason for her to let him go. She was so hurt and felt stupid because the reason why he got mad seemed absurd to her, so when she found out that she passed the exam in an international university, she grabbed the opportunity right away and thought it was best to let herself heal in a foreign country.

Rin was about to indulge herself further with that of her past when her mother snapped her out of reverie.

“How long are you going to stand there young lady?” Her mother said in a curtsy tone. “Go upstairs and change!”

“Why should I?” Rin answered stubbornly, “These men have seen tons of women’s bodies before, who were more eye-catching and more daring than mine, so am I a person who would care over such small matters?” She asked her mother who was shocked by her words before turning her attention towards her brother, “Also, I don’t think these men could harm me in front of you and my brother, ne~ oniichan?” She smiled sweetly at Jun who smirked at the same time mouthed the word “brat” at her which she just returned with glee.

“Matsumoto Rin!” Her mother shouted on top of her lungs, before she stood on her feet and gave her a bothered expression, “They say that people in foreign countries are very much liberated, but I never expected my dear child to be the same, I would not be surprised if you’re not a virgin anymore..” Her mother began teary-eyed.

“Hidoii yo Okaasan!” She feigned a hurt expression. “States might’ve change a bit of my attitude, but you, of all people, knew how I don’t approve of sex outside marriage so you shouldn’t jump to conclusions like that!” She snapped at her.

“So, you got married, had sex and had a divorce afterwards?” Her mother challenged.

“Tsk.” She clicked her tongue and went in the kitchen to get herself a fresh milk from the fridge, with her mother still eyeing her suspiciously. “Rest your mind Okaasan,” She drank her milk in one go and headed for the stairs.

“You haven’t answered my question Rin,” Her mother commented when Rin had reached the foot of the stairs.

“ I’m still a virgin if that concerns you, and if one day I ever lose it,” Rin looked back at her mother and smiled dangerously, her eyes as cold as ice, “You’ll never know,” before she began ascending the stairs.

While ascending the stairs, Rin was unaware that a pair of eyes was observing her closely.


“Guys, meet my little sister,”

He remembered Jun telling them as he introduced an 18-yr old girl who had the same thick eyebrows as their friend during his birthday party. Among five of them, he was the last to meet her because everytime she’s with Jun its either he’s working or had different appointments that time.

She was the shy-type person, but despite that, she was a happy one. She smiles a lot and never cries. He didn’t know what it was, but something about her draws him to her until he noticed himself falling. It wasn’t as easy as how he think it was to pursue her. First, she was 4yrs younger, second, she thought of him as an older brother, and third, she is his friend’s little sister. The first and second reason was easier to deal with, but the third one, it took a lot of effort to convince Jun to allow them to be together. That time five years ago, he and Jun have been together for 6 years, so it was only natural for Jun to be adamant knowing his reputation with girls. But Rin was different, she stood up for him, even if its against her brother and eventually they started being together.

For three months, he felt so happy; dating her gets him the chance to know her better. But the more he knows about her, the more frightened he become, for he realized that she has a pure spirit. They differ in most of the things they value in life especially that thing that may or may not define his stature-a man’s desire.

At first she was really reluctant about the idea and the need for a man and a woman to kiss just because they are dating but after some time, that is, a month after, he had managed to convince her into doing it but Rin never wanted to explore further, leaving him utterly, and always, unsatisfied with the outcome. So when that incident happened 5 years ago, when he was under the influence of alcohol and tried to force himself on her, he received nothing but a slap on his face which no woman had ever done in his entire life. It seriously hurt his ego that he tried to get back on her by saying that he needed some space but in reality, that time, he has no plans, or whatsoever, to contact her again.

A week after, he braced himself for some beatings coming from Jun, but a week turned to a month, to two months and three months until he could no longer bear it. When he confronted Jun about it, he was amazed at how clueless the guy was. Jun had even comforted him, saying how inconsiderate her sister was, after telling him that Rin left for States a month after he had stopped contacting her. (end of flashbacks)

So, she’s still a virgin huh? And what’s with that no-to-sex-outside-marriage? Still obsessed with your nonsense morals..you never change, do you? Rin..?  Ninomiya thought as he continued eating his food.


“So you’re still here huh?” Rin crossed her arm over her chest and leaned on the stairs’ post, watching the guys who were now sitting in the living room, “I can’t believe that even after five years, you still make our house your place of hang-out, don’t you guys have your own house or apartments?”

“Hey what’s with that attitude O’chibi?” Jun placed an arm on her shoulder, “So, I see, my little sister did change her clothes..” Jun stared at her from head to toe, marveling at her pair of sweatpants and a sleeveless shirt she accessorized with a long stoned-pendant necklace which seemed to be out of place. “why? Afraid of mom?”

“Stop calling me that, I’m not a kid anymore..” She raised an eyebrow at him before getting herself off from his arm, “I’m not afraid, and stop smirking.” She pinched his brother’s cheek when Jun gave her a playful grin,  “I’m irritated enough when Mama had that crazy notion of me getting married just to be able to have sex, so please don’t add to it Onii~”

“A-re? Is that really you Rin-chan?” Aiba approached them and said beamingly. “Uwaa~ I never expected that you would grow so pretty! you look very much s3xy - itte.” The man who is closest to her heart among the guys pouted after receiving a whack on the head from Jun.

“Tsk, Oniichan, you don’t have to hit Ai-niichan because of that. He’s not just used to see me like this.,” Rin shook her head disapprovingly at Jun before looking at Aiba, and said smilingly “Ne~ niichan?”

“Ah.. h-hai. You really look different now.. but I say, I still like the Rin from before who has an innocence of a child..” Aiba said with no offense meant. “You don’t looked like that little sister whom I was fond of teasing.. Mah~ everyone is bound to change ne~ so long as you keep your virtues, no matter how great the physical changes are, you’re still you, and that’s what matters..”

“Arigatou niichan,” Rin smiled appreciatively her cheeks showing a mild shade of red because of the words said by Aiba.

“Iie~ don’t mention it,” Aiba waved a hand in the air as a gesture, “Even these guys would say that, I was only a minute too soon to notice than them, right Sho-chan?” He was referring to the older guy who was busy reading the newspaper.

“Yes..hmm, I’m just wondering how come we didn’t know that you arrived?” Sho looked up from his newspaper to her.

“Oh.. that was because I arrived during the dead of the night, you’re all probably sleeping that time when I came,” Rin walked towards the living room and sat on the couch beside Sho, Jun and Aiba followed suit, “Likewise, it was the reason why I never knew that you’re here,” she smiled and tried to act normally despite her heart skipping a beat by the sight of Nino across her. Get a hold of yourself Rin.. you shouldn’t be affected by a jerk like him..

“Was that also the reason why you came out wearing only a night dress?” Sho inquired.

“Wow.. sasuga Sho-anchan..um.. you could say that it’s the case. Since I am in our house, I was a bit careless awhile ago of thinking that it was only me and Mama and perhaps oniichan, and I never really thought about you guys. One more thing is that, I used to live alone in States, so I really don’t care that much about my appearance especially in morning.” She explained defensively.

“But you’re in Japan now..” Nino scoffed and muttered in a very hush voice.

“Did you just say something?” Rin turned towards Nino, a bit shocked by the sudden remark, but the guy just shrugged and continued playing with his cards. When Rin noticed that he had no plan on responding to her question she ignored it and scanned the living room for the oldest guy in the group. “How are you Saa-nii?” She asked in a familiar endearment she often used to address the guy.

“I’m fine, still keeping tabs on fishing, and how ‘bout you Rin-rin?” Ohno returned the favor by using the name he had coined on his own.

Rin laughed heartily upon hearing the name, “You never changed Saa-nii,”

“So do you, Rin-rin,..” Ohno remarked, “ but Masaki was right, the physical change is…what to call it? There’s no word for it.. only….WOW?” He added and poked Nino on the side, “Right Kazu?” But the younger guy kept silent with his eyes on his DS. “Ignoring me huh?” Ohno continued poking Nino until he got what he wanted. Nino paused his game and glared at him which Ohno returned with a grin, “C’mon Kazu, its been five years.. didn’t you miss Rin-rin?”

But before Nino could react Jun spoke.

“Rin, I think you owe Nino an apology..” Jun started, earning the eyes of the four guys and Rin who was dumbstruck by what she heard.


“Yes.. I think so too..” It was Sho who answered, “First, because you left without a word, and second because you have not contacted him,.. you guys didn’t even have a formal breakup..”

“Oh..C’mon.” Rin blew an air.  She didn’t know what to do or how to react on that. Did they think that it was my fault?.. Her thoughts were running wild, mixed emotions started running on her brains. Her question was answered by Aiba.

“Ne~ Rin-chan, if you don’t want to explain anything..at least say sorry..What you did was wrong..”

That did it. She raised an eyebrow at Nino demanding for an explanation, but the guy just ignored her. FINE! “Oh.. I see..but he looked okay..” She said sarcastically.

“Hey. You speak as if you did nothing wrong.” Jun scolded her. It was the first time that her brother didn’t take her side and that hurt her.

But I did nothing wrong.. Her chest felt tight for not being able to cry but she told herself that she had to stay strong and act casual like how she used to be five years ago. Heaving a sigh, she smiled apologetically at Nino, and utter the words which she promised herself not to say especially to him, “Gomen..”

Nino looked up at her with a blank expression on, so she didn’t know what runs in his mind, but to her surprise, the guy just nodded, “Un,.”

Hearing that, she said further, “Seeing that you’re well, I honestly don’t see the point of apologizing to you..but.. since they think that it was my fault, I guess I don’t have a choice..”

“Oi Rin!” Jun was confused, “What do you mean?”

“Nothing. I already said sorry, are you guys satisfied now?” She smiled hesitantly at the guys who were as confused as Jun, “I just hope you’ll let me rest with that issue, Its been five years you know.. and I believe your friend here have already moved on.”

She smiled again, this time, she made it reach her eyes which was starting to get red because of the tears she was suppressing, “Oniichan~” She walked towards Jun who was sitting on the couch beside Aiba and observed what he was wearing, “If you’re going out with that loose shirt and that faded jeans, you should atleast wear something to compliment the dullness of it.” She removed her necklace and placed it on Jun’s neck then observed him again. “There you go.. Jya~ I need to do something,” and went back upstairs to her room.

“Now that explains why her necklace a while ago was a bit out of place,” Sho remarked.

“Yeah.. it seems..” Jun was astounded but what troubled him was the look on her sister’s eyes. He knew her well, and something about her now doesn’t sit right. The disturbance was said aloud by Aiba.

“Why do I have a feeling that we did something awful to her just now?” Aiba pouted and rested his elbow on the armrest.

“Yeah..Rin-rin seemed sad..and… v-very m-much alone..but despite that, she still smiled at us.” Ohno was bothered too.

“Ne~ Nino.. is there something you need to tell us?” Sho stared at Nino straight into the eyes and when the younger guy’s eyes flickered and wavered, he knew that something was off and it has to do with what happened five years ago.


I am so sorry Rin.. Jun stared at his sister’s sleeping figure. As much as he understood Nino’s needs, being a man who also has needs, he just couldn’t ignore what Rin was going through. Knowing her, she must’ve been hurt when Nino stopped contacting her, even so, he didn’t expect her to continue with her life as if nothing happened.

all these years we thought that it was your fault.. Why didn’t you say anything to us? Or at least to me?..I am your brother you know..

What took place awhile ago was a solid proof that Nino still has feelings for her, but he was not sure about his sister’s feelings. If it was before, he could have ascertained it, but now he could not, he couldn’t even fathom half of what runs through his sister’s mind.

He battled between turning off the lights or not, but chose the latter, remembering that his little sister is afraid of darkness. Jun took a one last glimpse at his sister and close the door, gently, so as not to wake her.


“Rin! Onegai!” Her photographer bestfriend pleaded placing both palms together as if praying.

“Iyada! I told you, I’m a designer, not a model, “ Rin uttered with conviction. She loves her bestfriend but her moments of wild imaginations and her unique onset on all things do make her crazy. Her bestfriend knows how Rin dreaded those moments, and unfortunately, one of those moments was now.

“I know okay. But I wouldn’t ask you this favor if I don’t see you fit for the role. if you’re worried about facial expressions, didn’t I mention that you’ll be wearing a half mask? Your eyes will be covered, so only half of your face will be shown. Please? I can’t afford to mess with this project,” She gave Rin a pleading look.

“Kaori, if you can’t afford to mess with the project, you know I also can’t. If I muddle with the modeling thing, my design would not sell. Choose someone else,” She said despite the guilt feeling. Kaori was known for her superior aura and for her to plead like that, it really must be a serious matter.

“That’s exactly my point! It was YOUR design and I think, buyers will be more impressed if you will be the one to advertise it. C’mon Rin.. Please?” Kaori smirked seeing the look on her bestfriend’s face.

“Don’t smirk. I still haven’t agreed with you,”

“But your face says it all,” Kaori said delightedly.

“Fine. This will be the last time that I’m doing this for you Kaori.” Rin clicked her tongue in annoyance but at the same time felt fluttered because her bestfriend chose her when no photographer does.

“Yatta! Desperate situation need desperate action!” Her bestfriend hugged her.

“Who’s that group you’re shooting this time, for you to plead me like that?” Rin asked out of curiosity.

“Oh, the one who’ll be wearing your main designs?”


“Its your brother’s group.” Kaori answered nonchalantly.

“Come again?” She felt all her blood was drained out of her system.


“Now this is what you called a designer’s clothes.” Jun complimented the pieces of fabric he was wearing. It was not only him, but all the guys were amazed at how comfy and well-balanced the thing they were wearing. From head to toe, from the accessories they’re wearing, it all highlighted each of their different personalities. Even Ohno Satoshi, who was always singled out for his lack of words, was talking animatedly to Aiba Masaki who was bouncing in excitement.

“Ne~ Ne~ the one who made these clothes was a top student when she graduated in States, but I heard that she’s already an excellent designer even when she’s still a student. I’m just amazed at how young she is.” Aiba told the guys.

“Why? How old is she?” Sho asked.

“23 years old. Single but not available. Or atleast that’s what I heard from Kaori’s secretary.” Aiba informed them.

“I never knew that STORM’s Aiba Masaki was this nosy,”

All heads turned when Kaori entered, “Konnichiwa min’na.”

“Konnichiwa. So, you’re the photographer huh? Sorry about our member here.” Nino scoffed and patted Aiba, who winced at the force, add the unusual sound it created when his palm landed on the older guy’s back.

So you’re the idiot who hurt my bestfriend huh? Kaori wanted to say but instead, “Ah, yes, Kaori-desu, nice to meet you Ninomiya-san,” She plastered a fake smile on her face.

“Same here,” Nino returned the gesture with a smirk coupled with a raised eyebrow.

Sho didn’t know if the others were aware of it, but there’s this unspoken animosity between Nino and Kaori which he couldn’t place what. Still bothered, he spoke, “Hi Kaori-san, it is an honor to work with you.”

“Touché,” She nodded. “I’m just the photographer, the highlight, I think all of you will agree with me, is with the designs.”

“Yes, about that, we are really looking forward to meeting with her,” Jun was being hopeful.

“Oh, no need, coz she’ll be modeling with you guys,” She told them.

Upon hearing that, all, except Ninomiya, were delighted and looked very much thrilled.

“A designer modeling her own creations? Isn’t it a bit exaggerated?” Nino said dispassionately.

“Oi Nino!” Ohno said shocked by the comment. Aiba widened his eyes in disbelief. Jun stared with contempt. Sho shook his head disapprovingly.

“What? I’m just saying, what if she messed things up? You know I hate doing things over and over again just because an amateur model couldn’t par with us.”

“You seemed too sure about yourself Ninomiya-san. If that’s the case, why don’t you try me?”

“Wha-,” Nino turned around only to find himself bedazzled by the appearance in front of them.

The world seemed to stop when she emerged from the door adjoining the dressing room and the photoshoot location. Her figure embodied that of a goddess, her red dress which extended atop of her knees flowed majestically hugging the curves of her body, her face were toned with nothing but a bronzer revealing the strong feature of her jawbone down to her neck, her full lips the same shade of red was very tempting add the mystery that her eyes were hidden by a mask designed aesthetically by small black rubies that complimented the single piece of accessory that she was wearing on her neck, which was crafted with the same black ruby, only it was bigger.

“What did you say?” Nino acted unaffected by her despite having problem with his breathing just thinking how nice it would feel to hold that body. His heart was thumping erratically, and if he was not careful, he knew it would mean trouble, especially now that it was clear to him that the woman heard him.

“I said, why don’t you try me? You’ll never know unless you try.”Rin didn’t have the chance to ask Kaori how she looked, because the moment she was about to do so, she saw her talking to the group and that’s how she heard their conversation. She wasn’t a sensitive person, but after hearing him belittling her abilities, her anger flared up. And so, she didn’t know if her appearance was good, better, or beyond better.

This woman.. doesn’t she know what it means when a girl asked a guy that question? Is she an idiot? Kaori felt disturbed and laughed nervously although she knew that Rin meant nothing but business. The guys were too stunned by the words. Apparently, her words had the same effect and meaning as how Nino interpreted it- for the look on the guy’s face was absolutely that of desire. So sorry Rin.. I never wanted to do this to you, but it’s the only way for you to be true to your feelings.

What an idiot.. she didn’t realize what that meant. “Fine.” Nino replied casually knowing that she was referring to modeling. Nino knew exactly what she meant by saying those words but deep inside he wished it was the other way around. On top of it, there was something oddly familiar with the way she speak, even her voice sounded so familiar to him, as if he knew her, as if she was someone whom he knew well.

“That’s settled it. “ Kaori spoke all of a sudden, snapping Nino out of his reverie. “Mah, don’t worry Ninomiya-san, I wouldn’t get Ri- “ She almost said Rin’s name when Rin shot her a warning look through the mask. Using her bestfriend’s name in the fashion world, “I mean, I wouldn’t get Rui to do the job if I deem her unfit for it. So,.. if ever she turned out to be incompetent for the work, Even if its her design, I’ll be the one to kick her out.”


After thirty minutes of explaining the details of the project, the photoshoot began.

First Stop: Group Shot.

Rin realized how hard it was to be a model- more so, to be a print model. She had done print modeling from the past, courtesy of her bestfriend, but working with top model group, STORM, was really a challenge. She knew that they’re one of the top groups in their agency, having a brother as part of the group, but she never really paid attention on the work itself until now. Still, she had her hopes high because the group shot turned out fine.

Second Stop: A saintly shot with Ohno Satoshi.

Ohno Saroshi, the oldest guy seemed always dozing off, or at least that’s what she recall, but when it comes to work, he seemed under trance. Rin was astounded. This guy could do modeling without trying. Every shot was perfect added the fact that he understood angles too well for her mind to comprehend. As much as she doesn’t want to admit it, she had a hard time keeping up with him.

When she accidentally tripped, Ohno’s hands caught her in an instant making it look as if they’re still modeling. It was just too amazing for her, even her bestfriend delightedly praised their pose despite knowing that it was just accident. After the last frame, Rin couldn’t help but utter her gratitude.

“Thanks Saa-nii, you saved me there..” She said thoughtlessly and it was too late before she realized it.

The look of shock and awe in Ohno’s face says it all. “Rin-rin?” Ohno knew too well to spoke in a hush voice.

Rin didn’t have a choice for she owed the man for not exposing her right away. She smiled and nodded.

“oh..that explain why I felt at ease modeling..” Ohno smiled back. “Are you sure you want it this way?”

“Hai.. its fine Saa-nii,” Rin told him.

“You’re making it harder on yourself Rinrin..” Ohno said worriedly.

“It’s better this way.. so please don’t tell them..”

“Oh.. Okay..” He sighed in surrender, “But I doubt if they wouldn’t notice, especially that man..”Ohno said in a very low voice.

“Sorry I didn’t catch that. What did you say Saa-nii?”

But before Ohno could answer, Rin was summoned by Kaori for the third set.

Third Stop: A funny shot with Aiba Masaki.

Aiba Masaki was like a child stuck in an old man’s body. No wonder her brother and the rest of the guys often teased him. But that’s what she loved about her sworn brother. Despite always the one being made fun of, the guy doesn’t take it to the heart and often laugh it off as well.

When it comes to work, this ‘brother’ of her is definitely someone you would respect for she recognized seriousness when she sees one. During their shot, he laughed a good measure, that kind of laugh enough for women to start swooning around him, and even enough to make her think why she didn’t see it before.

Fourth Stop: A witty shot with Sakurai Sho

Photoshoot with Sakurai Sho created a different aura. His onset on every single thing, his seriousness mixed with his dork attitude made it possible for them to do shots that are impossible. She was even more impressed by his ability to grasp things concerning their session, making it easier for her to do her job as well. It was no wonder why women drool over him.

One thing she feared was the way he looked at her. He was reading her intently, as if trying to see past her mask. Rin felt relieved when Kaori called it done that she jumped in excitement at the flight of the stairs and unfortunately landed on her wrong foot.


She would’ve fallen face flat on the ground if not for Sho catching her on time.

“Daijobu?” Sho asked but suddenly widened his eyes upon realizing who she was.

Rin stood straight with the help of Sho, unaware that her mask was a little lopsided. Sho tried to block the guys’ line of vision by standing in front of her until she was done arranging her composure.

“Arigatou Sakurai-san,” Shi smiled thankfully, still unaware that Sho already knew who she was.

“Doitashimashite,” Sho smiled.  Whatever reason she has, he knew he had to respect that and so, he remained silent.

Fifth Stop: A trendy shot Matsumoto Jun

No words, just attitude.

That’s how it was modeling with her brother. She was moved at how her brother knew his stuff. Even when it comes to what expression to use and how to do it was something she didn’t expect from him, yet, she was still dazzled.

When the lighting staff accidentally hit him on the side, Rin expected him to get mad, just as how she used to know him, but he was impressed at how her brother handled the situation maturely. He even apologized for blocking the way.

But when it was her turn to be hit by a light stand, Jun reacted differently. That’s when she realized something.

“Hey. Didn’t you see that there’s a lady here?!” Her brother said through gritted teeth. “What if you hurt her badly?”

“Sumimasen.” The staff who hit her stooped down with his face a mixture of shock and horror. Even the other staffs were shocked at what they’d seen.

When the said staff was out of sight, Jun examined her elbow.

“Does it hurt?” Jun looked so anxious and at the same time pissed off she couldn’t help but laugh.

“Mou Oniichan! Stop making that face! You’re scaring the hell out of them, namely that staff!” She hissed quietly.

Her brother didn’t look surprised at all. “Seriously Rin, I was glad when I realized that it’s you, but it really worries me. Just what the hell do you intend to do?”

Rin just smiled painfully and Jun just shook his head knowingly.

Final Stop: A fiery shot with Ninomiya Kazunari.

It was almost midnight. Keeping her feelings in check, Rin began walking towards the location where the last set will be held. She didn’t know but something was a bit odd. It didn’t seem normal that only this shoot will be held inside the studio while the rest was held outside. Add the fact that for this set, the atmosphere was tenser than before and Kaori just kept on glaring at Ninomiya.

“So its finally our time huh?” Nino scoffed the moment he caught sight of her. He was sitting in a single couch.

“I guess so,” Rin answered dryly before pulling herself a wooden chair opposite the couch and sat on it.

“You seemed confident huh?” Nino remarked.

“Why? Aren’t you?” She retorted. The last thing she needed was him belittling her.

“We’ll see about that,” He answered smugly. “That is if you won’t drag me down.”

“Hah! If there is someone who would drag us down, I’m certain that it will be-” Rin didn’t manage to finish her sentence because the lights suddenly went out, leaving the room in darkness.

“Oi, what was that?” Nino searched his pockets for his phone and muttered curses realizing that he was wearing different jeans.

There was an eerie silence inside the room except for their muffled breathing.

“Anou~ N-n-ninomiya-san?” Rin stuttered. She’s never friends with darkness ever since she was a kid. “Where are you?” She stood on her seat and began searching for Nino. She walked clumsily, earning her a scratch on the side of her thigh, while struggling to lessen the gap between him and her. When at last her foot hit the lower part of the couch where he was sitting, she felt relieved.

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?” Nino asked, suddenly alarmed by their nearness especially when Rin began feeling him with her hands. He caught her hand before it landed on the part where it wasn’t supposed to be and realized that she was trembling, in what reason, he didn’t know. “Are you okay?” He asked before assisting her to sit beside him, making the single couch crowded for the two of them.

“U-mm..I-i..I-i..a-a-m..” But there were no words that came out from her. She almost jumped on her seat, instantly wounding her arms around Nino, when there was a loud crashing sound just few meters away from them.

“hey,” Nino felt uneasy. For the first time in his life, he didn’t know what to do with that dark surrounding. How come the room was so dark? There were no traces of light, as if it was deliberately done. “What’s wrong with you?” He asked while inching her away from him. It was unwise because it made her arms around him tightened even more.

“I-I am scared..” Rin said barely audibly. Even her voice sounded so shaky, much worse than her body itself.

“Scared of what?” Nino asked although he had a wild guess already.

“Darkness. I-I had never liked it even when I was a kid..it felt as though someone will be coming to eat me..” She told him but to her surprise, Nino began laughing.

“W-what’s funny?” She asked despite not seeing the amusement on his face.

“Hmm.mm. nothing. You just reminded me of someone who had the same reason why she feared darkness,” Nino told her while stroking her hair and rubbing her back naturally. He didn’t know why he did that, his instinct just got ahead of him and besides, the gesture seemed familiar, way too familiar.

“She?” Rin asked before resting her head on the hollow between his shoulder and his neck-the same, of that time, when they were still dating.

“Yes. She. She has exactly the same age as you. I bet if you happen to know her, you two would be friends..” He sounded so happy mentioning about her.

“And why is that?” She broke free from the embrace because it was not good if Nino would find out that her heart was thumping faster than normal.

“I told you, she has the same fear, the same reason why she feared it..” Nino laughed heartily, patting the top of her head.

“And you find it amusing?” Rin asked while keeping her heart steady.

“Nah. Not really.. I just thought that..”

“That what?”

“Hmm.. betsuni..”

“c’mon, tell me..” Rin teased.

“It has nothing to do with you.. hmm. the trembling had stopped..yokatta ne~ seemed that you calmed down a little bit,” Nino assessed after checking on her, changing the topic meaningfully.

“That girl, was she the one you loved?” She asked purposely but regretted it afterwards.

“Was? Loved? Why use past tense?” Nino furrowed his eyebrows. He didn’t expect the girl to be that nosy.

“Then what should I use?”

“Love. In the present form. I still love Rin afterall..”

“Rin?” Her world stopped for a moment.

“Yep. Matsumoto Rin. That’s her name, pretty isn’t it?” He said in a happy tone.

Rin’s heart almost jumped off its cage hearing his words. “If you love her, you shouldn’t have done those things to her Kazu..” She said absentmindedly before standing on her feet, completely forgetting that it was dark.

“Yeah..I guess you’re rig-wait, how?” Nino grabbed Rin on the wrist in time when she stood, making her fall on his lap. “Did you just call me Kazu?” He asked pulling her closer to him that her chest collided with his.

“Yep,” She answered casually.

“Then?..” Nino contemplated. “Oh! of course. Why didn’t I see it before? Same voice, same age, same time spent abroad.. plus, fear of darkness.. it all fits! its you.... aren’t you? Rin?”

“Can’t be helped ne~ Your words caught me off guard there Kazu.. ”

“You hated me, yet, you kept on calling me Kazu..I wonder why is that?”

“Who said I hated you? They say that there’s a thin line between love and hate, so I’d rather not feel anything for you..heck, I can’t even make myself believe of what you just told me now..” Rin tried freeing herself but it only made Nino grip her wrist tightly, and pulled her even closer to him that she could feel his ragged breathing.

Nino sighed heavily, “But I meant every word Rin.. I- ” He bit his lower lip to prevent himself from breaking, “I love you, I still do,.”

Damn..Rin cursed under her breath. She hated her own self for almost believing his words. “You do? Oh, I wonder how many girls had cried over those words. You and your words, I won’t fall for it again Kazu.”

“Why do you keep on calling me Kazu?”

Because I can’t help it..I can’t bear calling you Ninomiya. Each time we argue, the distance between us gets longer, its only when I call you Kazu that I feel closer to you... She wanted to say and tried hard to control her tears, but instead, Rin said, “To tell you that even your name doesn’t mean anything to my world..”

“Is that so?” Nino had to hold his breath for that before pulling off her mask.

Rin looked straightly in his eyes, not so sure if it was his eyes she was staring at because of the darkness, then uttered, “Yep.”

“Then how about this?” Nino wove his hand at the back of her neck while the other one restrained her hand and began kissing her. Rin was too shocked she didn’t move even an inch. Her mouth was left gaping, enough for Nino to slide his tongue inside her mouth. It was 5 years ago the last time he kissed her, but it felt as if it was only yesterday. Her sweet scent, her soft lips that always made him lose control, and that familiar spark that ignites each time he kisses her, they still exist. “Tell me to stop, Rin,” Nino pleaded while trying hard to control himself and his hands that started moving on its own accord. If things were to happen between them, Rin would definitely hate him more. He can’t let that happen again. “Please,. Tell me to stop, while I still can..” He pushed his lower body against her making her feel the effect she was doing on him. “Words could tell tale, but actions never could, Rin.” He uttered through muffled voice while feeling the dampness in her cheeks and realized that she was crying. It was enough for him to stop.

Never minding how she sounded, “Why?” She asked despite her cracked voice, while catching her breath. Damn the guy for being a good kisser. “Isn’t this what you always wanted?” She teased, licking his lower lip.

“Y-yes. That’s a given and it will be hypocrisy if I say I don’t.” He never expected her to be a teaser.

“Then?” This time, it was his upper lip she’s playing with.

“I’d rather be a hypocrite than cause you to hate me again..” Nino savored her lips for the last time before carefully lifting her off his lap and made her sit beside him.

“But I-” Rin was cut in midsentence.

“Please? You don’t know how it feels when the person you love is right here in front of you, yet you couldn’t do anything about it.”

“I do-”

“No you don’t.”

“But I really do Kazu.”

“Enough Rin..don’t make it harder on yourself. I don’t want you to hate me..”

“But Kazu, I-”

“Let me get this straight, I want you, then and now. I always do. You are surprisingly addicting. How would you suppose to understand that?”

“Of course I do understand Kazu!” She snapped. The guy sure is something.

Nino raised an eyebrow. 5years ago, they broke up because he couldn’t control himself. Now, he couldn’t even tell what’s wrong with their argument and why Rin kept on insisting that she understands. “Understand what?”

“How it feels when the person I love is right here yet I couldn’t do anything about it, because he’s so annoying, he wouldn’t let me finish my sentence. Add the fact that he stubbornly believes that I hated him and will hate him even more just because we shared a damn good kiss! It was frustrating! Can’t he see that I’m practically offering myself to him? Hell, I even made myself a teaser, but he wouldn’t budge.” She breathed crankily, quite surprise how she had the nerve to tell him those things she kept. “And what’s with that ‘I’d-rather-be-a-hypocrite-than-cause-you-to-hate-me-again’ kind of line? I never knew Ninomiya Kazunari to be such a loser.”

Nino was speechless. The situation took a 180-degree turn. It was unexpected. Hearing such words from her, he didn’t know how to react initially. “So, basically, you’re saying that..” But somehow, he couldn’t say what’s on his mind, afraid that she would withdraw her words right away.

“If you didn’t catch my words, its your problem, not mine Kazu.” She smirked before clutching his shirt and yanked him towards her. “But one thing’s for sure,” She whispered in his ears, “I do want you too.”

Nino smiled widely on that. He was about to kiss her when the lights went back on. “What the-”

Turning towards the door, they saw 5 annoying faces, the one being their photographer with the rest of STORM, wearing identical, not to mention, mischievous smile.

“I told you, we should’ve waited for a few couple of minutes before barging in.” Sho told them.

“Heh. If we do that, for sure, we would’ve caught them in an awkward position, we don’t want that right?” Ohno mentioned.

“At least, the plan worked out well.”

“But I never knew Nino could be that stubborn.” Jun crossed his arms over his chest. “For my sister to do the teasing, Rin must’ve love him that much ne~”

“Sou ne~”

“Hey! You’re eavesdropping on us?” The two glared at them. Rin’s cheeks turned a deep shade of red before looking at Kaori for an explanation.

“Oopps. Sorry about that Rin,” Kaori stared apologetically at her best friend. “Er, you see, its not my plan actually, I only wanted to confirm something.. but them-” She said pointing the other members, “They saw through your mask..”

“Mah, mah mah, what’s the big deal? Isn’t it wonderful that these two finally sorted out things between themselves?” Sho preached again before turning at the stubborn ‘couple’, “Both of you, drop the act okay? Whose fault it was that things turned out this messy?”

“Fine.” Nino scoffed and placed a hand over Rin’s shoulder before giving out a wide grin, “Thanks min’na.”

“Seriously, you two,. I never met such stubborn people.”


“Don’t leave. I’m scared.”

“Oh, we both know that you’re not Rin.. you just couldn’t resist my charm.”


“Seriously Rin, Imagine your mom’s hysterics if she sees us here in your room. Add Jun on the picture, you don’t want that right?”

“But we’re not doing anything yet..”

“What happened to your ‘No-s3x-outside-marriage thing’?”

Rin just displayed a playful grin despite the darkness.


So what do you think?
next will be another nino-oneshot.

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