Feb 05, 2011 16:49

A/N: OOOOPS Pls don't kill me for this one :) a bit ideal.. but i think, it will suffice. Good things will happen next..Hmmm.. few remaining chapters and we're done.. sad :( but for now, here's the next chapter :)


It was only a day since their press conference and the entertainment news was full of Sho's confession that Aiba felt lightheaded hearing his words all over again. He was having a breakfast in their green room while watching the news which was currently telling the viewers of what had happened, and Ohno was sleeping on the couch, oblivious of the surroundings.

"It pierced my heart to know that I was the one who caused my kids to suffer like that. Right now, they were still in a critical condition..It's been three days, and still, they were no near waking up.. My God! They're only four years old yet they had to experience something that they shouldn't have experienced in the first place if not for me entering their lives. I blame no one but myself.. "

Sakurai Sho cried endlessly, unbothered by his appearance, in front of the camera and the fans which were witnesses on that day.

Aiba can’t help but smile seeing the video which aired that part of Sho’s speech, touched at how the captain failboat managed to let out all those emotions, while watching how the reporter was telling the viewers how fans reacted on their bandmate’s confession.

Seeing their idol weep like that, it was one of the saddest moments in their fans' lives. Some were crying because of the sadness that was emanating from Sakurai-san, some were muttering a silent apology knowing that in one way or another, fans were at fault that their idol was crying like that. Some were even saying phrases like "its okay", "no one will hurt them" "stop crying Sho-chan".

Another part of the press conference was aired to support the reporter’s claim.

"How could I pretend that I don't care if everything inside me, especially this [points to his chest], were much that I feel I would die if something like that were to happen again.." he sniffed.

"Nino, Jun, Aiba, Ridaa, I deeply apologize for not telling you about this." He looked at his bandmates one by one before turning back his attention to the fans.

"Just weeks ago, I felt that I was the happiest man in Japan upon meeting my kids, but now, I have to leave them if that what it takes to keep them from harm..I should've been there at their side fighting with them, but I was so afraid, afraid that if I see them again, more awful things will come to them until it will never end. I'd rather distanced myself than see them suffer in front of me.. For the fans who had been there with us all along our journey, Moshiawake arimasen. This may be selfish of me, but I beg with all my heart to please leave them alone. Let those kids have the peace and happiness they deserve…”

Every tv station had different versions but all have that same part of Sho's speech which was considered as the climax of his confession.

“Fans must’ve been moved when Sho bowed ne~” Aiba muttered seeing the last gesture of Sho after his revelation. “I just hope they really understood..”

"Mou~ I was sick and tired of it already! Masaki! turn off the tv!" Nino yelled as he entered the green room, already pissed because even the late night news had reported it endless times.

"Why Nino-chan? Aren't you happy that Sho-chan finally said it?" Aiba raised an eyebrow at the younger member. “He did show how much he loves his kids.”

"How can I be happy if we still don't know the fans' responses? What if it will just make matters worse?" Nino grunted. "I swear I'll kill Sho if bad things will happen to the twins again!"

"Hey, easy Ninomiya! I'm sleeping." Ohno was forced to open his eyes when he felt someone sat on his foot. "and why are you shouting so early in the morning?" He asked closing his eyes again.

"Ridaa! How could I not? I was growing more tired for each second that passed without knowing if what we'd done gathered a positive reaction or not!" Nino was shouting on his ears that the oldest member pulled himself up to a sitting position.

"Quiet will you?" Jun who'd just entered the green room and heard the commotion, threw the newspaper which landed on Nino's head.

"Itte- damn Matsujun, what do you do that for?" he hissed picking up the newspaper that was now on the floor. Before he could say anything again, Nino's eyes widened seeing the headline.

Jun chuckled. "Baka! You should at least read the paper before creating such a fuss."

Nino glared at Jun who smirked widely and then back at the newspaper.


Just four days ago, fans were outraged by the news of Sakurai Sho having kids which had caused some of them to assault the children in question.

After that conference held at JE building initiated by the idol group 嵐, and the heartwarming confession and apology from Sakurai Sho, member of the said group, yesterday, fans all over the places gathered around Keio Hospital where Sakurai Shuji and Sakurai Shuri were confined.

"We wanted to show our apology to Sho-chan by taking rounds in guarding the place to ensure the security of the twins while still at the hospital," said by a middle aged woman.

"At first I really felt sad when the news broke out, I mean, who wouldn’t? knowing that your idol have kids already, it was really a blow for a fan like me, but I admire Sakurai-san’s braveness and I was moved by his confession, its like breathing in fresh air,.. " said by a highschool girl who was also an ARASHI fan.

“Hearing Sakurai-san’s confession, I realized that idols are also humans, and that, they too deserve happiness. If you’re a true fan, you wouldn’t stand seeing him continue in making others happy while you know that deep inside he was hurting.. so I really felt guilty although I wasn't involved on that mob-attack at the twins..When I heard that there will be a mass lookout to guarantee the safety of the kids, I volunteered,” said by another fan.

Furthermore, the fans threaten that if anyone planned on harming the kids again, it will be unforgiveable. According to them, incident like that last time shouldn't occur again and even attested that those people who were involved in the mob-attack were not from the fans club.

Moreover, the fans would like to send their utmost apologies and heartwarming wishes and hopes to ARASHI, particularly to Sakurai, that the twins will be able to recover soon and that their career will continue to bloom now that the truth was out.

On the other hand, it was still a mystery to the fans who was the kids' mother. The idol barely mentioned about her, only the fact that he met the lady five years in one of his exchange studies. At the end of the conference, Sakurai, when asked about the mother's identity, just smiled apologetically and said, "She's a very private person."

"Yokata ne~ Nino-chan," Aiba said smilingly looking at Nino who was shocked upon realizing that Aiba was gawking while he was reading the article.

"Oi! Don't butt in like that, do you want me to die out of heart attack?" Nino scowled before placing the newspaper on the table.

"EH? I was just reading the article.. mou~ at least we could be more at ease now.. c'mon Nino-chan, don't be such a glum." He said delightedly.

"Sho-kun wa?" Jun asked while browsing on his usual fashion magazine. Deep inside he felt relieved that the thing about the twins turned out to be okay for their fans.

"Um, I Ridaa, where's Sho-chan?" Aiba frowned seeing that the member in question had not arrived yet.

"He was here a while ago when I came, but a pissed-off-Shi called him saying he needed to do something about the fans and he'll be back right after." Ohno resumed his sleeping position.

"ah, sou ka.. he should be happy ne~? afterall, the fans now accepted his kids.." Aiba remarked.

"Sou desho.. but what about Shi? Surely it will be different if a woman is involved.." Nino stared blankly at the ceiling. Saying those words took a lot of energy, especially if he's still harboring his feelings for her. Add the fact that he was worried sick for the twins.

"One step at a time Ninomiya.. remember what Sho said to us a while back then? About his plans? If there's someone who greatly knew the risks, it will be Sho, afterall we're talking about the woman he's inlove with.."

Jun took a glimpse at Nino who just kept on staring at the ceiling before he continued on what he's doing. Tsk, be sure that your plan is perfect Sho, there's no room for mistake. He clicked his tongue and shook his head disbelievingly.


Shi was currently looking out for her kids since Mai just left a while ago for work. It was a good thing that her kids were transferred to a private room, just that they still aren't waking up. According to the doctor, due to the fatigue that they suffered from the blood loss, their bodies will take time to recuperate.

"A very private person huh?" Shi scoffed upon reading the article and dialed Sho's phone number.

Just a while ago she was summoned by the hospital's management and told her that if fans continued loitering around the area, they will have to file a restraining order against her unless if Sho managed to talk sense to his fans, saying it was his fans afterall. When she reasoned out that they just wanted to protect her kids from any harm, it only angered the management, telling her that it's a serious claim, as if she's saying that the hospital can't afford to protect their patients. So in the end, they will either drove away the fans or put off a safe distance from the hospital grounds.

The door opened and in came Sho who're holding some fresh flowers. He was smiling widely that his face could've split into two.

"Why are you smiling, baka!" Shi raised an eyebrow when she saw him.

"Aren't you glad to see me?" Sho teased.

"Duh?! Stop smiling like a fool Sakurai," she continued to raise an eyebrow making Sho grinned more.

"Hey, back to being formal again Shi?" He asked smirking before pulling over a chair and sat beside her.

"Sheesh. What an airhead. I didn't call you here to have an argument Saku-" She was protesting but Sho put a finger on her lips to silence her.

"Shshhh, not too loud dear, you'll wake the kids" and gave her a peck on the lips that caught her off guard. "Sho, I told you to call me Sho," he smiled devilishly.

"Ugh, hey, recently you had the habit of doing that Saku-" but Sho kissed her again.

"And it seemed you're enjoying it love, since you kept on calling me Sakurai knowing that I'll kiss you if you do that." Sho inclined his head toward her, making their faces an inch apart that he could feel her breathing.

"Stop that Sho," Shi was blushing deep red that she pinched Sho strongly on the cheek making him winced in pain. "Now, do you want to listen or you rather have the hospital sued us because of your crazy antics?" She asked Sho who was still holding his cheek.

"Wakata," He pouted.

"Four days ago, your fans attacked my kids-" but she was interrupted again.

"Our kids Shi, our kids," Sho stated.

"Fine, your fans attacked our kids. Then yesterday, you had this crazy notion of apologizing in public, which for your information only worsen up things."

"But atleast they won't attack our kids anymore,"

"Hey, stop talking will you? I'm not done yet. As I was saying, it worsen things because now your fans are hanging around the area, thus disturbing the peace here, and the management was so mad that they will sue us if this continue. When I tried to reason out, it only made things a little bit out of hand because now they're thinking that we don't trust the hospital's capability of protecting their patients.."


"So? Baka! I called because I want you to tell your fans to stop hanging around the area or at least put off a 100 meter distance if they really wanted to guard the area. In that way, it won't disturb the patients. Because seriously, those fans are too loud, saying how they love you and how they don't want to see you hurting like that, although I can't believe it when you put up such a face in front of camera Sho. " Shi ended her monotone with a furrowed eyebrows.

"Why? Are you jealous of those fans?"

"Still too full of yourself. Sheesh. You never change Sho. Fine, if you don't want to, then you and I are going to jail. " Shi told him flatly.

Sho smirked. "Fine. In one condition."

"Huh? Whose fault it was that these things were happening? And you had the nerve to demand?" Shi said mockingly.

"Then, we'll just have to suffer in jail," Sho told her, face blank.

"Fine. What is your condition?" She asked coldly.

"A kiss will be fine." Sho's face was glowing.

"Oh, a kiss then."

Grinning at her, "Why? Are you thinking of something more than a kiss?"

"In your dreams," and leaned closer to him, "Be careful what you wished for Sho," she said and kissed him passionately that Sho wasn't able to close his slightly parted lips which she took advantage. Shi slid her tongue inside, tasting the sweet crevices of his mouth, and then back at kissing him, biting his lower lip softly while her hands found its ways on his neck which had sent thousands of current all throughout Sho's body, making his member throbbed in excitement. Sho felt her lips twitch into a smile, and then she stopped. "There you go Sho, mind to silence your fans now?" Her lips curve into an evil grin, causing her eyes to smile as well, despite having a flushed face from that kissed.

"Fine." Sho suddenly stood making Shi stare at him from head to toe and widened her eyes seeing his lower body part which revealed how affected he was by that kiss. Sho chuckled seeing her reaction. "I didn't know that you adore me that much Shi, don't worry, we'll get there, perhaps later?"

"You're impossible!" Shi hissed before turning her attention on the two sleeping figure of her kids.

"Whatever. You’re mine Shi, mine. Jya~" he smiled and strode out of the room leaving Shi furious.


“Sir, hate mails and cursed letter kept on arriving, whether through post or over the internet. Some of them were specifically addressed to Sakurai-san and ARASHI-san..”

“Will that affect our system?”

“I’m afraid, it was a yes, Sir. Unless we post a general letter on the message boards, those mails would just keep on coming..”

“Just a while ago those boys were here and they come up with a good proposal, I think that would somehow pacify them.”

“What exactly is their proposal Sir?”

“It’s a top secret for now, in the meantime, put up a note in the message boards for those people in general to wait three days with an assurance that after that time, ARASHI-san, especially, Sakurai-san will clear up all questions they had in mind.”

“I understood. Lastly, Sir, we need to have something to say to the media or they will really worsen things up..”

“Fine, contact some media personnel, and have your team draft a general invitation for them, like what you’ll put up in the online message boards, It will be three days from now.. also, go to the nearest newspaper company, and have it printed..”

Just 3 days ago he was talking like a mad man, doing all he could to pacify the crowd with the help of his most trusted men, now, Kitagawa Johnny was wondering why he was having a conversation with the same person and with the same topic, again.

"What it is that you wanted to tell me?" He asked the head of the advertising and promotions team.

"Sir, our computer systems are crashing due to the endless fan mails about Sakurai-san's confession yesterday." Furikawa reported [let's just say that this was the name of the head.]

"Is that bad?" Johnny looked outside his glass window and enjoyed Tokyo's morning scene.

"Yes sir, if it continues, we have to reboot our system.." he said with concern in his voice.

"No, I'm not talking about the system, I meant, did the mails contain bad things?" Johnny turned around to see the worried façade of the ad's head.

"Iie.. actually it’s the direct opposite sir. Although there were still few hate mails, those mails were outnumbered by apology mails for Sakurai-san and get-well messages for his kids. Even the J-website was being invaded.." he told him.

"Oh, why Furikawa-san, that calls for a celebration," Johnny told him delightedly which left his mouth gaping.

"Eh? But sir, if this continues, we would've more problems in the system.. the computers will have a power failure.." he gave Johnny a grave expression.

"It just meant that we had positive responses from the fans despite the truth.," Johnny said. "Do what you can to back up the system, Furikawa-san. For starters, find ARASHI's manager and have them, especially Sakurai Sho, to post a general message on the J-web for their fans. Knowing that their idols accepted the apology, I think that will somehow stop them from sending those mails."

"Wakarimshita," with that said, Furikawa-san headed out to find ARASHI's manager and convey Johnny's orders.

When Furikawa left, Johnny opened the first drawer on the right side of his table and took a folder. He can't help but smile upon seeing the list and the manner it was arranged. The first three items on the list was already crossed out. He took a pen on his pen holder, and drew a line on the fourth item.

1. Mai
2. Mom and Dad
3. Shuri and Shuji
4. Fans

Smiling bitterly, the old man observed outside Tokyo. Although some of the recent events, particularly the twins being hospitalized, were not really stated on the idol’s plan, he couldn’t help but marvel why was that all things still fall on their rightful places.

Everything's going smoothly according to his plan.. Johnny thought, running his eyes on the remaining item on the list- on the last item, which he deemed as the hardest stage, before closing the folder and put it back inside his drawer.

"Now I wonder how long will your plan worked out Sakurai Sho?"


“That was very nice of you Aiba-san” Manager-san commended the middle child of ARASHI who had just came from his radio program.

“What do you mean Manager-san?” Aiba portrayed an ignorant expression.

“Didn’t you just air our new single over your radio program?” Jun had just finished a photoshoot.

“Aww~ so you’ve been listening Matsujun? Uwaa~ ureshii.” Aiba beamed at the youngest member.

“Tsche. Get off me Aiba, before I pull your hair off.” Jun feigned a disgusted look. “Just so you know, the assistant of the photographer was very fond of you that’s why she was listening to it a while ago..and I had no choice but to listen as well”

“That was mean,” Aiba pouted before deciding to play with his plushy.

“Mou~ Stop it you two.” Nino shook his head before dropping himself on one of the couches. “But I’m a bit curious, how come you get the chance to be the first to play it over the radio?”

“That’s because he was alone when I came here earlier..” it was Manager-san who answered.

The guys turned their attention to their manager.

“What? I came here because I was told by Furikawa-er, the head of the advertising team, that Johnny-san had asked me to tell you to post a message on the J-web to appease your fans.” Manager-san explained to them, along with constant rising of his eyebrow because Ohno and Nino started cuddling each other.

“Eh~ Manager-san, what had it to do with Aiba playing the new single over his radio program?” Ohno asked while his attention on the brat.

“Are you listening Ohno-san?” Manager-san placed a hand on his forehead getting irritated on the two. “BOYS! Stop that will you? I told you, Johnny-san wanted you to appease your fans, but since it was only Aiba-san here, he thought playing your new single over the radio was a good idea, so I approved it.”

“If that is so, then why do you come here?” Jun asked, no offense meant.

“Because, Matsumoto-san, although Aiba played your single over his radio program, its just a treat for the fans..but remember, the task is for you to post a message on the J-web..which, you still haven’t accomplish.. and where’s that idiot rapper?”

“I’m here.. and I’m not an idiot..” Sho smiled widely upon entering the greenroom, no hint of being offended because of their manager’s comments. “What’s up?”

“Oh! So you’ve cared to show up huh?” Manager-san smirked. “Tsk. Hurry up boy! Get your laptop and post a message for your fans. Our computer systems are crashing because of endless mails.”

“Gomen~ I need to settle things with the hospital because they gonna sue us if I don’t show up plus persuading the fans to put a 100 meter distance away from the hospital took longer than expected.” Sho sat for a moment. “How’s the situation here, is it bad?”

“Yes it is! And you have the nerve to sat there quite still-“ Manager-san was distracted by his phone. “Gotta go, make sure you do what I told you!”He said before leaving them speechless.

“NE~ Manager-san seemed out of himself lately..” Aiba pointed out while observing Sho opening his computer.

“We can’t blame him though.. we had to admit we’d given him a lot of headache these past days..” Ohno remarked.

“Sou. But I say he’s somehow energetic..” Jun grinned. “Did you see his face? It was better than his stern face 3days ago when he found out about the twins..I wonder why?”

“I think I know.” Ninomiya blurted out all of a sudden.

“Why?” the guys asked in chorus except Sho whose eyes were on his laptop screen.

“He mentioned something about endless mails right?”

“Er~ whoah!”

They were distracted by Sho.

“Guys, look at this! I’d never seen so many fan mails like this one! And on top of it, almost all were apology and get-well letters..” Sho widened his eyes on the screen, unable to comprehend the turn of events.

“Hmm, the number of mails is still wonder, our systems are crashing,” Nino commented looking onto the screen with the J-web page, amused with the mail counter still going up.

“Ne~although he didn’t show it, maybe Manager-san is happy that things turned out like this..” Aiba mumbled.

“Who wouldn’t?” Jun asked.


“Hurry! Hurry! Sho-chan! Angel-chan! Minna!!” Aiba peeped outside, towards the bench where Shi, Sho and the rest of ARASHI were sitting.

“Oi! Masaki! Why are you shouting like a crazy man?” Nino rose up from his seat, a bit annoyed on their member’s behavior.

“I’m not crazy!” Aiba was jumping and shouting happily, his half lower body was still inside the room, revealing only his upper body with his hand on the door post supporting his self.

“Then what’s with the attitude?” Jun inquired.

“Shuji and Shuri!” Aiba exclaimed. “They’re awake!”

“Eh?? Why did you tell us just now?” They asked before heading to the kids’ room, sight of relief was written all over their faces. A week of waiting really paid off.

“Because I was sidetracked by Nino-chan. Mou~ Hayaku!” he said and entered the room before them.

“Mama wa?”

Upon hearing Shuri’s weak voice, Shi hurried past Aiba and approached the twins’ bed.

“Mama’s are you feeling?” Touching Shuri’s face, Shi asked worriedly, tears started forming in her eyes.

“Why are you crying? Don’t cry Mama..” the kid smiled and tried reaching Shi’s face with her hand.

“Gomen ne Shuri.. Mama is just glad that you finally woke up..” Shi smiled with her teary eyes.

“Hmm.. how long had we been sleeping Mama?”

“More than a week..” she replied.

“Maji? But it felt as though we’re just asleep for a come?”

“ and your brother lost a lot of your bodies took time to recover..”

“Tousan wa?” It was Shuji’s pale voice this time.

“I’m here son,” Sho sat beside Shuji and ruffled the boy’s hair. He still felt at fault about what happened to them but he was really grateful that his kids were out of danger now. Kami-sama..arigatou.. He thought while his eyes never left Shuji even for a second.

“Arigatou..” The boy smiled at his father.

“Hmm? Why are you thanking me Shuji?” Sho asked, guilt feeling washed all over him.

Shuji got up into a sitting position with the help of Sho, his eyes traveled around the room to figure out who was with them. “Because you were here Tousan..that time, when we were attacked, Shuri and I were so scared that you would leave us again..that’s why, I really felt so relieved seeing you here..” Shuji embraced Sho who didn’t manage to control his tears any longer and let it fall.

Sho was speechless for a couple of minutes, his arms still wounded on his son.

Shuri, on the other hand, also tried to sit with the support of her mother and smiled upon seeing the ARASHI members.

“Konnichiwa ARASHI-niichan” Shuri greeted with a feeble smile.

“Ne~ Shuri-chan, its uncle now” Aiba sat at the edge of her bed. “How are you?”

Seeing Aiba’s kind smile, Shuri tried to be as cheerful as she could, “I still feel weak, but I’m fine.. Shuji too..Yokata ne~ An-chan..Papa didn’t leave us..” and glanced at her twin brother who nodded and smiled also.

“ it safe for you to be here?” Shuji’s eyes were full of concern realizing the situation. He looked at them one by one, breaking away from Sho’s embrace, and waited for an answer.

“Don’t worry about it Shuji-chan,, kids shouldn’t think about those things..those were bad memories..” Jun said crossing his arms to hide his uneasiness. Knowing the twins, it was possible that they would insist to know the details.

“Demo~ Uncle Jun..” the boy frowned seeing the finality in Jun’s eyes. “Are you sure its okay?”

Jun just nodded and smiled uncertainly.

“I’m sorry about what happened Shuji..” Sho started. “It was all my fault.. I should have been more careful..”

“Tousan~ no one is blaming you. What happened was something we didn’t wish to happen..” he smiled at Sho then turned to his twin sister, “Right Shuri?”

“Hai. Shuji’s right Papa..what’s important is that we’re still alive ne~” the girl said happily despite her shaky voice.

Even if the kids wouldn’t say, it was evident how scared they were and the guys could see through it. Even Shi could feel it.

“How about we get them something to eat?” Nino suggested sensing the awkward silence that surrounded them. “Are you hungry?” He asked without looking at them.

“A lot.” Shuji nodded and placed a hand over his stomach, puzzled at Nino’s cold attitude. On the other side, Shuri was troubled seeing Nino’s reaction. “Is there something wrong Uncle-?” She asked but Ohno interrupted her sentence.

“Then I should call the doctor first so that we could check if Shuji-chan and Shuri-chan were fit to eat now.,” Ohno got up from his seat, tugging Nino along with him and headed towards the door, leaving Sho and Shi with Jun and Aiba.

“Mama, how come everyone was saying that its fine for them to be here?” Shuri asked after the two left. “What if their fans get mad again? How about their career?”

“Uncle, I know we’re just kids, and there are a lot of things we might not understand.. but still, could you explain to us please??” Shuji demanded.

The four adult exchange glances, battling whether to tell the kids or not. Shi and Sho shook their heads while Jun pursed his lips. In the end, it was Aiba who chose to speak first.

“Shuji-chan? Shuri-chan?” Aiba stared for a moment at the twins whose eyes were watching him eagerly. Realizing that the two kids wouldn’t give up, the miracle boy sighed heavily before going on, “Fine. Just promise Uncle Aiba that you would let me finish and that you would not ask questions until I’m done explaining.”

“Hai. Yakusoku.” The twins chorused.


“Kazu?” Ohno called out seeing Nino walked absentmindedly along the corridor.

“Hmm?” Nino halted and turned to look at Ohno who doubled his pace to catch up with him.

“Are you okay?” Ohno asked, stopping next to the younger member.

“You know how I feel Ridaa..” Nino stared at the space above him before he resumed walking. “I really want to hug the twins..I was so worried.. Do you think it’s improper for me to do those things?”

“Nino.. no one’s stopping you to do those things..even Sho-chan knows how much you cared for his kids..” Ohno replied calculatingly. “Don’t restrain yourself Nino..”

“But Ridaa…I dunno if what I’m doing was for the twins or for her..It felt as if my heart would burst..” the brat told him. “It was too painful, so much that I wanna cry..I know I should stop loving her, but I could not..” Nino sat on one of the bench while resting his elbows on his lap and covered his face with his palms.

Ohno placed an arm around Nino’s shoulder, “Kazu,.I know its hard, but you must let go..those two had suffered enough, and the twins had waited for years..”

“I know Ridaa.. I know. I feel so frustrated with myself because I was being a hindrance.”

“If you know, then you need to pull your acts together mate..Especially in front of the twins, you should’ve seen the look on their faces earlier..they must’ve been hurt when you treated them coldly. I know how much they mean to us. Whether we like it or not, those kids are part of our lives now.”

“Sou~” Nino got up from the bench. Ridaa’s right.. I need to pull myself together.. “Let’s go Oh-chan.”

“Iku.” Ohno followed suit.


“Ne~ An-chan, why do I have a feeling that we’re being followed?”

“Don’t mind them Shuri.. just keep on walking.” Shuji took his sister’s hand and continued walking faster.

Shuri looked at her brother with panic in her eyes and asked in an anxious manner, “Demo~ Shuji.. I’m scared. What if they attacked us again?”

“They won’t. You heard what Uncle Aiba told us right?”

“H-hai..” Shuri replied cautiously. “But Shuji.. I really have a bad feeling about this..”

“Shuri, we’re on our way to J.E building.. I’m sure those people wouldn’t dare touch us right before their idol’s eyes right? Or Tousan will really get mad at them..” Shuji assured his sister but deep inside he was afraid also.

“Okay…but..” Shuri was about to complain but Shuji turned around to face her.

“Look Shuri, your anxiety wouldn’t do us any good,” Shuji shot a warning look at his sister. He was about to say something further when he noticed some girls staring at them that he grabbed Shuri’s hand tightly and went on walking on his top pace.

“An-chan, what’s wrong?” Shuri was certain that she was right about those people who were following them the moment they stepped outside their school. “Tsk. We should’ve waited for Nakahara-san to fetch us Shuji..” she said while still following Shuji’s footsteps, feeling her brother’s hand got all sweaty all of a sudden.

“But we agreed to surprise Mama right?” Shuji told her while glancing sideways to count the number of girls that were following them through the line of different shops’ glass walls on their way to the building.

“Mama wouldn’t be free until 7pm, and its only 11am Shuji,” Shuri reasoned out despite having a hard time keeping up with her brother’s pace.

“Then we’ll go to Tousan, or at least hang out in their greenroom,” Shuji retorted.

“An-chan! Our uncles from ARASHI have a photoshoot until 5pm!”

“Ehh? How come I didn’t know about that?” For a moment he forgot about their current situation but seconds later, the situation got complicated. “Ne~ let’s talk about what we’ll gonna do later..let us first outrun these girls okay?”

“Okay,” Shuri agreed and they kept on running.


The girls called while pursuing them. Some even ran after them which left the twins with no choice but to run using their top speed.

“Hayaku Shuri or they would catch us!” Shuji was walking-running, matching her sister’s pace. The girls looked different from their attackers two weeks ago, they don’t even looked like someone who would do bad things, but Shuji didn’t want to risk something that he was unsure of.

“Gomen Shuji.. I can’t run that much, my sides were hurting,.” Shuri tried to run with her best effort while hand on her side. “Let’s go to that corner.” She pointed the small corner in between the shops and J.E building.

“Hai.” Shuji agreed while still panting hard. He looked back and upon seeing how the girls were still running after them, fear began creeping inside him.

When at last they had managed to turn to that corner, a pair of hands snatched them and dragged them inside a shop while another pair of hands covered both of their mouths in case they opted to scream.

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