CLASSMATES (25/?) part 2

Sep 26, 2010 15:17

a/n: font too small because lj won't allow me to post.. sorry.. here's the part 2.. I'll post chapter 26 right after im done with it..

"Why..hic- did-hic- it turn out like this?" Shi hiccupped, her vision getting a little blurry as she gulped down a glass of wine.

"Hey Shi, I thought you're intolerant? That's enough." Jun said taking the glass and the bottle of wine away from her hands. He was looking forward as to seeing her in a drunken state but his thoughts told him better. He looked worriedly at Shi as the lady struggled to get the bottle which was still beyond her reach.

They were currently at a private yakiniku place celebrating the success of the event. They were shocked at the twins' sudden display of tantrums when told about going home, saying how it was so 'uncool' if they didn't have fun. In the end, the one who insisted on partying were both sleeping soundly in the tatami mats provided by the place, probably tired due to the school's whole day activity.

"Don't call me Shi, my name's Angel not Shi." She grunted. She was pissed at Jun for preventing her from drinking. She helped herself to some meat, not really having the appetite, but forced herself to.

"Ne~ Shi, I know it for a while now, but I wonder what your true profession is?" Ohno asked, hoping that Shi was too drunk that her tongue would slip some answers.

"I told you not to call me Shi,.." She said and smirked at Ohno who furrowed his eyebrows at being lost for a moment. "Ne~ Satoshi-san, I told you, I'm just a commoner," She replied before averting her eyes away. Fool.. Im not that drunk to let my guard down..and helped herself to another meat, She glanced around Jun who was distracted by Nino's joke at that time that she grabbed the bottle of wine and poured her glass to nearly full. Aiba sat beside her, putting his arms around her shoulder. Shi didn't mind the gesture. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn't have allowed it, but since she was under the spirit of alcohol, she thought its fine to loosen a bit.

"Ne~ Angel-chan, want to do something after this?" Aiba teased while giving her his outrageous wink.

"Hmm, is it fun?" Shi carried on. "Of course, deal?" Aiba's face creased as Shi's reaction was something which sent weird feelings in his stomach.

"Sure. Since you're the only one here who knows better for calling me Angel" Shi told him teasingly, completely unaware that Aiba's heart pounded by her response. He didn't know that Shi would take his joke seriously.

"Abunai yo!!!! Aiba-chan's thinking hentai things again!" Nino exclaimed, sitting himself in between Aiba and Shi. "Hey, Aiba, back off!" Nino glared at Aiba who came back to his senses meeting Nino's eyes.

Aiba covered his now crimson-colored face. Like what Nino said, it was dangerous. Aiba-chan, why did you do that? baka!! Baka! .. While Aiba was scolding himself, Nino noticed the half-full cup in Shi's hand.

"Matsujun!!, I thought you had already dragged the wine away from Angel, how come, she was drinking again?" Nino half-shouted over the table. Jun was currently discussing something to Sho but was sidetracked by that. He looked across the table to see the half-done cup but there was no trace of Shi.

"Eh? I did. How come?" Jun was baffled. His eyes traveled around the room and found Shi who was beside her kids. How was she able to go there, they had no idea. The only certain thing that time, was that her back was leaning against the wall for support. Seemed she's too drank to move from her current position.

"yosh! Lets call it a night." Ohno said as he yawned, obvious that he was already sleepy. "Sho, I trust you could take her and your kids to their apartment." Ohno said not minding the fierce look that came from Nino as he mentioned the term "your kids".

"Um Ridaa, I think Sho should stay there. If my memory served me right, Nino once told us how Shi got a hangover just by taking half can of beer, how much more if she drawn herself to nearly 6 glasses of wine, count the half-full glass-" but before Jun could finish, Aiba interrupted.

"Eh? 6? How did you know?" Aiba asked, amazed by Jun's preciseness.

"Baka. Of course I counted. How will I be able to know if I did not? Besides, you guys were too occupied with other things that I was the only one who noticed." Jun told Aiba irritably."  Anyway, back to what I was saying, Sho, I do think you should stay with her, after all, you're work will not start earlier than 1pm tomorrow right?" Jun said mischievously at Sho who displayed a funny reaction.

"Eh, why me?" Sho asked.

"Oh, forgot already Reiko-san's words to you, didn't you?? All of us heard and saw how you agreed.." It was Ohno who answered as he memories from a while ago materialize inside his head..

"Guys, I have to go. I have a late night flight to Beijing." Reiko told them right after their performance. As a mother's gesture, Reiko kissed them one by one on the cheek. It felt as if they were closer than before they had first met the woman.

"Eh, how 'bout the twins?" Shi asked after her mother embraced and kissed her.

"Its been two weeks dear, don't you miss them? And besides I honestly believed that you're out of your depression, whatever it was, already. Why being too hard on yourself my daughter?" Reiko smiled at her daughter. "Mind to find your kids dear? I wanted to say goodbye before leaving."

"Okay" Shi replied simply and spun around to look for her kids who had gone to the bathroom.

When Shi was out of sight, Reiko smiled at the guys and said," Well, what can I say? Thanks for treating my daughter well, despite of her stubbornness, anyway, I was seriously worried about her.. please look out for her if you have time...." Reiko asked them the favor, to which the guys nodded, and turned her attention to Sho. "Sho, mind seeing Shi and the twins go home safely tonight?"

After contemplating, "Ah-h-hai. I will Reiko-kaasan" Sho replied.

Disappointment was written all over Nino's face as he muttered to himself: "I can do that too even if you didn't ask for it"  which did not escape Jun's observant eyes which provoked the guy into leaning closer and whispered something that only Nino could hear…

"Oi Ridaa.. lets go. I thought you wanted to go home already?" Aiba snapped Ohno out of his reverie. "Nino and Jun too.." Aiba pulled the two guys.

"Eh? at least help me carry the twins inside the car.." Sho complained.

"Ah! Gomen, we almost forgot.."

While Aiba carried Shuji, Jun with Shuri, and Nino and Ohno with Shi [they carried her together for they also had alcohol in their system], Sho parked the car to a place less seen by people, cautious about how bad it will be if anyone sees them, worst if they're from Cyzo, especially when neither one of their group is allowed to drive.

When at last the guys managed to put Shi and the twins inside the car, he heard Ohno said. "Careful Sho, don't let anyone see you if you don't want to get reprimanded by the bosses especially Johnny." and before he could actually head out, Nino tapped on the car window, and when Sho opened it, the guy handed him a small sheet of paper labeled with "how not to end up burning Shi's kitchen" and inside it contained procedure how to cook some porridge. Sho stared at Nino in bewilderment, which the guy took as his 'thanks'. "We've been together for 11 years Sho, even if you actually didn't know how to, I know you're someone who'll still try to cook for someone you're worried for."

"Thanks." He muttered before closing the car windows. Luckily for him, all the glasses were heavily tinted so Nino didn't see the wide grin that was etched all over his face.


Sho park Shi's car a few blocks away from the apartment complex just in case there were bystander near the area. For him, driving was the easy part; the hard part is how he will be able to get the twins and Shi out of the car to their apartment, harder is how he will be able do it without someone noticing. He didn't dare think if there is the hardest part..

Disturbed by his own thoughts, Sho stared at the lady who was sleeping beside her and realized the hardest part-of all the days how come Shi was wearing a skirt?. He rummaged his pocket for his phone and dial Jun's number who, from what they had been discussing a while ago before Nino interrupted, will meet-up with other JE- Kame and Ryo, who happen to be drinking at a nearby place. He waited three rings before Jun picked up. " Doshita no Sho?" He heard him say despite the loud noise from the background…

After 10 minutes or so, Jun had arrived at his location. Sho wondered how near the place really was, but didn't bother to ask, since he's becoming more edgy being alone in the car with Shi, not counting their still-sound-asleep kids, add the fact that he finds her more stunningly beautiful now, even asleep. Jun softly thud the window by his knuckles and Sho unlock the door. He would appreciate it more if Jun opened the door at the front, but to his dismay, the youngest member chose to open the one beside the twins.

"Matsujun, can you carry them both?" Sho asked when Jun was about to carry Shuji to his left arm and shuri with his right. "Of course, don’t worry yourself about them, it was Shi who you should be minding. And besides, I doubt if you would permit other man aside yourself to carry your girl" Jun managed to say before he carefully carried the twins out of the car and closed the door behind him with a single movement. It didn't occur to Sho what Jun had meant but he wondered why it sounded pleasant when Jun referred to Shi as 'his girl'.

Before he could do some things that were out of hand, Sho wore his sunglasses, pulled his shirts' collar up to avoid anyone to recognize him and went out of the car to go to the other side. Sho carefully tapped Shi, hoping she might wake up, but to no avail, so he carefully put his arms around her-supporting Shi's back, before he managed to put her in a cradle position. Just when he managed to do it, subconsciously, Shi's hands move towards him and clung onto his neck for support.

"Whoah. How sweet, like a newly-married couple." Jun teased the moment Sho entered the apartment with Shi in his arms.

"Shut up Matsujun." Sho scowled as he carefully placed Shi on the sofa.

"hey, is that the proper way of thanking your friend who left his drinking mates just to help you with your dilemma?" Jun half amused half pissed seeing how his fellow member went fidgety at the word. "But honestly Sho, now that it was mentioned, when you found out about the twins, did you considered marrying her? Or still confused if the twins were really yours or not?" Jun asked before dropping himself onto one of the empty sofa. Sho loosened his shirt button upon hearing Jun's question. Somehow, he wanted to say yes, but something about the topic was a little off, so he remained silent. "Oh, I see,, still undecided huh?.. It’s a matter of time now before Nino would burst, holding his feelings for her..I honestly don't get it, he was rejected by Shi but from the looks of it, that brat still continues to love her.. Dude, you need to sort out your feelings before its too late.. or you rather Nino have her to himself?" Jun asked seriously. There's no room for joke with that kind of atmosphere.

"Of course not!" Sho heard himself say, shocked at his own reaction. "I mean-" He intended to explain further but Jun cut the conversation.

"Oh no need to explain.. I get it now..knowing you, you're not a person who'll suddenly blurt out thing like that without having any meaning to it.. especially with this kind of situation.. Mah~ ganbatte kudasai Sho-kun," Jun said while already on his feet ready to leave. "As of now, Nino's giving you the chance and was trying so hard to hold back his feelings, so be wise 'kay? A single mistake will ruin it all. Jah~ mata ashita."Jun said without looking at him. The 'click' on the door told him that Jun had left already.

"I guess I need to sort things out with Johnny-san" Sho wondered as he stared blankly at the ceiling then to the girl whose composure remained despite her sleeping figure. Like what Nino did before, Sho could not trust his self to bring Shi upstairs in her room. He sat next to her, and lifted her head tenderly on to his lap which was used as a pillow. Sho stroked her face while gently pulling several hair strands off her beautiful face. Now that they were alone, he had the leisure to examine her closely. His eyes traveled from her face to her body, stopping every once in a while, until it dwell on the spot that nearly made him loose his senses -her legs which was a little exposed because of the skirt. I should have asked Matsujun to get a blanket upstairs before he left..Sho sighed heavily. The idea that he had done her enough wrong somehow help him to get away with silly thought. Before his mind could ever wander, Sho carefully took off his jacket and covered her exposed body part.

Once settled, Sho contented himself on admiring her and once again caressing her face with his thumb, tracing every features of it for what seemed like eternity until he succumb to his sleepiness.


"O-hayou.." Shuji greeted with puffy eyes obvious that he had just got off from bed.

"Ohayou Shuji-chan," Sho manage to smile despite his worried features.

"Are? Sho-niichan? Ohayou!" Unlike her brother, Shuri seemed refreshed and energetic. "What are you doing?"

Sho frowned at the question. Isn't it obvious that I was cooking?.. he thought but answered it anyway, "Cooking."

"Cooking? But niichan.. the stove is not open..I wonder how could you cook without the flame on." Shuji observed, "Unless.."

"Unless what?" Sho can't help but get a little annoyed. In reality, he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of the twins.

"Um,, unless you don't know how to..oops! Sorry niichan!" the girl couldn't finished because Sho's face hardened at the mention of the word. When Sho realized what he was doing, his expression softened before he admitted honestly, "Ah.. h-h-hai." The truth is, the stove looked differently at the one in Jun's apartment so he did not have any idea.

To his surprise, the twins giggled, showing their identical smile to him that made him chuckled as well despite the fact that he was the one being laugh at. He felt happy beyond happiness that he was able to see their expression like that. They continued to laugh until their stomachs hurt.

"Your face look awfully cute niichan, even kids like us know how to, but I'm amazed that you didn't know." Shuji told him while hands still on his stomach probably trying to stop himself from laughing.

"True! Sorry but it was really funny seeing Sho-niichan like that! You looked like a kid trapped in a man's body. KAWAII!!" Shuri commented before she opened the stove. "There you go niichan, what are you trying to cook anyway?" Shuri asked trying to peep what's inside the pot but couldn't because of her height.

"Um..I think its called porridge. Its for your mom. I think she might have a bad headache when she woke up,." Sho answered sheepishly. He was startled that the twins find him cute despite not knowing how to open a stove. Not many people, if not, no one had ever considered him 'cute' when they learned that he does not know how to cook.

"Porridge?! Eh niichan are you sure?" Shuji, who manage to get a stool and stand on it, asked in bewilderment when he finally saw what's inside the pot.

"Why?" both Father and daughter asked.

"Mizu." Shuji answered simply.

"Mizu? What about it?" Sho asked, totally confused now. Shuri didn't need to be an expert to understand what her brother meant.

"Masaka~ Eh??!!" Shuri exaggerated. Only Sho could not understand at all. He glance from Shuji to Shuri, eyes in confusion.

"Niichan! There's no water at all. You forgot to put some water." Shuji explained.

"Are? But..but Nino didn't stated it on the procedure." Sho said more to himself. It took him few minutes before he realized that their younger member wrote the procedure on the assumption that he knew the fundamentals of cooking rice, which clearly, he forgot.

"Watch out! The grains are burning.. Hayaku.. Get some water!!" Shuji was still standing on the chair. Sho was on a total panic mode that he didn't respond instantly. It was Shuri who got the water and handed it to him.

When at last he's back to his senses, Sho immediately pour the water onto the pot but obviously, it was the dumbest thing to do. The burnt grain and the hot pot when contacted with water nearly blasted because of the reaction of heat and cold. Luckily, Shuji got off from the chair the moment he realized what would happen, and Sho fronted himself at Shuri to protect the kid from the explosion. But the three were not saved from the explosion that came in after that-Shi's rage.

"A-RE YOU TRYING TO BURN DOWN MY APARTMENT?" Shi shouted across the kitchen hall, and, "YOU THREE! GET YOURSELVES OUT OF MY KITCHEN!" when the three did not move, "NOW!"


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