I would like to start off this new post by listing everything from my new years resolutions that I still have to accomplish
1. Reply to every single person on my friend's list at least once.
2. Post something graphic-like in the tensasutema community.
3. Take some initiative to clean my room.
4. Update my stories on FF.Net and at least finish something.
5. Pass the IB Entrance exams.
6. *points up* Find some convenient and efficient transportation to Port Moody Secondary.
7. Get AnimaRO up and running again.
8. Update this journal more often.
9. Empty my email. (Which hasn't been empty since at least June or July)
10. Sleep more.
11. Work harder in basketball practice.
12. Practice piano more.
13. Get parents to sign planner and practice sheets.
14. Actually fill out planner and practice sheets.
15. Be less self-concious.
16. Get more energy.
Wow, I have lots of work to do. But by the looks of it, I have to clean my room again, get AnimaRO up and running AGAIN and I'll know the results to number five...next week. *is shot*
So I've been simply exhausted and anxious for the past little while... I finished the entrance exam for the IB program, so I'm getting my results back next week. And basketball...well...basketball is just hell right now...
Monday: Basketball Practice (School) Basketball Practice (League)
Tuesday: Piano Lessons. (Basketball Game(League)Next Week Only.)
Wednesday: Basketball Game (School)(Basketball Game(School) Districts. Thurday and Friday too. Next week Only.))
Thursday: Basketball Practice (School)
Friday: Basketball Game (League) (Basketball Game(School)This Week only.)
Saturday: (Basketball Game(School) This Week only.)
Sunday: Meh. Drop dead time.
And homework, and worry, and cracking social life... and I wanna sleeeepppppppp >_____>;;
So if I make it into the IB program, I'm going to have to slap on another hour or so of transportation by bus to get there since the high school is in the next city...and if I don't make it in, I get to attend the school that's 20 more minutes away walking, but I'll have to take another exam for the program in that school...And then there's course planning and confusion...mostly anxiousness and impatience...
Sorry that I'm even so inactive on my stories. There's been no spark. Well... there's been no TIME for a spark, you see. And I'm getting reviews and encouragement, but they're mostly just meaningless one work review that just make me amused and act as insignificant reminders of what I haven't done yet.
Agh...and I almost forgot that my spring season basketball registration form has to be in tomorrow with $60 attatched to it...I gotta clean my room and do some more homework.
My dad is giving me crap because I haven't been practicing piano that much either. He says next year I have to choose school basketball or the league, and piano or not...but that's a complicated decision... I'm most likely not going to do the school basketball because high school really starts to kick up the competition, and I don't have enough commitment for that yet.
And on top of THAT, one of the kids in the class, as usual, is spreading rumors or such about me. I've honestly never liked many of the people in my class. They treat me like dirt half the time, just because I want to play by the rules. But I suppose that's how people are nowadays. ("She's so annoying, you know?" "Who cares about the rules?") If they really expect me to 'follow the crowd' like a lemming, they're seriously mistaken. If they think I'm a bitch just because I'm not going to tend to their needs like I have in the past and help them with everything and sacrifice my own time and such just for that, then they'll have to learn to adapt, because it's not my problem anymore.
I got a bunch of injuries that I can't afford to have now since I play guard and I have tons of upcoming games and tournaments. And just because somebody decides not to play by the rules during Physical Education Class "Who cares about the rules?" I nearly twisted the hell out of my leg. I'm just so lucky I didn't get hurt because of that. That would've cost me the rest of the season because somebody decided to be reckless and so nonchalant about everybody else's safety. It sort of irks me. What if the injuring that happened to me happened to somebody that wasn't used to being bruised like that? Their body wouldn't be used to it, and then it could be serious then.
I need sleep. And food, and I know this, but I feel that I just don't have the time.
I've got a lot to do tomorrow...and I better be prepared for it...as usual. It's just another ordinary day...