Dec 12, 2006 00:41
Well, after about two weeks or so of mourning the loss of my relationship with Tiffany, I pulled myself up and decided I'd spent enough time being depressed about it. She's not coming back and no amount of depression is going to bring her back. So, I've decided its time to move on and get certain things done, things I'd been putting off for too long. I started about a week ago when I decided I needed some kind of semi-permanent change. First of all, I got a haircut. Its shorter now than it has ever been before and I've actually gotten a number of compliments on it. The only one who said anything negative about it was Amy, and that comment amounted to "It's too different."
Secondly, I've decided its time I get myself into some better shape. I'm not looking to go for a real built physique, but its high time I shed a few pounds and get rid of this gut I'd developed over the time I was dating Tiffany. So, I've taken up walking. Atleast an hour a day. Well, to be honest, I haven't walked the past two days. I had to work Sunday and today I spent the day with my father. I'll try to make up for it tomorrow if I have the time. I'll also need to try eatting healthier. All the grease-soaked food we ate at Hooters this evening isn't going to help me, so I really need to swear off foods like that. Eatting healthier will probably be the most difficult part, considering I'm on a fairly short budget at the moment and the food at home is rarely healthy. Too much junk food around the house. I just hope I have the conviction to keep up with the walking and stay away from bad foods.
I was a real mess a week ago. Hell, I couldn't sleep without sleeping pills, but I've gotten over that now. If its any proof I'm moving on well, I'm starting to notice other girls again. Hell, I think I'm developing a bit of a crush on the pretty girl I work with, Bridgette. That actually surprises me, because I hadn't really considered it until recently. I almost feel I'm being a bit unfair by developing a certain attraction towards her, considering I hear she has a hard time making real friends. Basically, she doesn't have a lot of guy friends because all the guys want to fuck her and she doesn't have a lot of girl friends because all the guys want to fuck her. Not to say I'm simply out to fuck her, but I'd like to maybe grab a bite to eat with her or take her to a movie. I imagine I'm over-thinking things, as I tend to do. Which might explain the bit of anxiety I'm feeling over this. I'd say I should think on it some more, but that might be a mistake.
Anyway, I'm sure I've prattled on long enough. If anyone cares, yes, I'm doing much better now.