Aug 28, 2005 13:52
So, looks like there's a big, nasty category 5 hurricane coming close. Catastrophic, 175+ mph winds here. Wrath of God type shit, you know? New Orleans is the main target for now, but it wouldn't surprise me a bit if the hurricane still moved a bit further west. Still, I know I'll be worried about Tiffany when the storm hits. Hell, my classes are cancelled tomorrow because of this storm. I guess it'll give me more time to read more of Beowulf.
In other news, I've started a Dream Journal. I figure it'll be moderately interesting if I start writing down whatever deails of my dreams I can recall upon waking up. So far, I've only got two dreams written down. I guess I'll try describing one for the readers.
Alright, this dream started fairly normally. I was standing in a hall at school before openning a door to a classroom. Thinking I may have gotten lost, I asked a student was class I was in. He laughed a bit and replied "Purgatory." I suppose I thought it was a joke, until the professor turned around. Lo' and behold, it was Jesus Christ passing out test papers. Well, I know it was Jesus, but he was dressed in modern clothing. A black, button-up long-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, black shoes, and his hair pulled back in a pony-tail. He didn't seem particularly happy. He was complaining about how most people keep failing his tests. It was about then I realized that the classroom I was in was huge. It was like an almost unfathomably large auditorium with thousands and thousands of people. And, oddly enough, Jesus made a joke about earning extra points. I can't remember the joke though.
I think it was a fairly odd dream. Other than the Dream Journal and the upcoming hurricane, everything else has been proceeding normally. Started classes again. Had a bit of trouble after my classes were dropped for whatever reason, but I managed to get them all back.
Well, thats it. Goodbye.