Akanishi Jin Blogclaims

Jun 28, 2020 09:29

[ Akanishi Jin] sing to me the song i love to hear.
the one you wrote just for me.

Song: Pinky by Akanishi Jin from: KAT-TUN Claims

Misc: Akanishi Jin's Hips From: KAT-TUN Claims

❤ When I feel like crying,
Jin Akanishi is there to wipe away my tears ❤

[ Jin Akanishi]
》 Everytime I see you... I fall in love all over again.

→Whatever ♥[[Jin Akanishi]]♥ did to ME last night is←

A touch of my hand
sends {Jin Akanishi}
in a frenzy.


{Jin Akanishi} became mine.


{Jin Akanishi}
is my CUP of tea.

★ Even if I'm sad, just hear « Jin Akanishi » name makes me shine

★ Even if I'm sad, just hear « Jin Akanishi » name makes me shine

♥ I'm stuck on [Jin Akanishi], 'cause he's stuck on me.♥

(Rachael)'s dictionary:
Happiness(n.): Seeing my one and only, (Jin Akanishi), every day.

【Jin Akanishi】
You alone are special, therefore,
I'll do ☆anything☆ you say ♥♪

Jin Akanishi

likes to share his lollipops
(and more) with me.

I spent the BEST night with Jin Akanishi

(the rest can be part of your imagination...~)

¤Jin Akanishi¤,I'm so ADDICTED to, all the things you do♥♥♥

»»Jin Akanishi««
…You're my disease, It's like I checked into REHAB…

When you look up → ADDICTION ← in the dictionary
Next to it you see :
●:..。o○☆[◄Akanishi Jin►]☆○o。..:●

I’m Just a PRISONER OF ❤L.O.V.E❤ of ➡ [Akanishi Jin]

I rode└ Akanishi Jin┐like a horse last night.♥

Akanishi Jin
gave me his
B A N A N A. ;D

Akanishi Jin is the only fish in my sea

『Akanishi Jin』
Touch my body,
throw me on the bed,
I just want to make you feel
like you never did ♥


{Jin Akanishi & Rachael}
~That time, that place, this bond won't disappear ~

Within my Heart
I hold things close. But,

Jin Akanishi

is the one I love the most.

◄i want to be Akanishi Jin's little kitty►
▬and sleep in his lap all day▬

« Akanishi Jin »
the symbol of what I called 'perfection'~♬

My umbrella lay at my feet while
{Jin Akanishi}
kissed ME in the rain .

{Jin Akanishi's} MY cupcake

{Jin Akanishi} likes to
→ fanboy ←
about me ♥

It's fun undressing
Jin Akanishi with my eyes,
but it's even better when I use my hands.

Jin Akanishi,take MY {{♥HEART♥}}
You can have it,if you want it~~
It's ALL yours.

¤Jin Akanishi¤
≈Please make me feel our love, Touch me under your waves≈

♥Jin Akanishi♥
Whispered in my ear, "Lover, you make me want to beg you for more..."

Jin Akanishi♥ is the Sweetest Taste of Sin
¤Jin Akanishi¤,I'm so ADDICTED to, all the things you do♥♥♥

»»Jin Akanishi««
…You're my disease, It's like I checked into REHAB…

Bras? G-string? Dildo?

Jin Akanishi
was my personal stripper
on my birthday

{Jin Akanishi} pushed me
→ against the wall ←
and said:
" Let's do it tonight,

{ Jin Akanishi} and I will be making our own fireworks
this 4th of July ... and we won't even have to leave the bedroom

♥ Jin Akanishi ♥
I love you baby & I’m never gonna stop

☁☼ when the sun 「 SHINES」we'll shine together「Jin Akanishi」

Jin Akanishi
When you kiss me, hug me...
Baby, It's like magic...

I don't need pretty colors
or flashy pictures from a blog crew
to prove how obsessed I am with
{ Jin Akanishi }

Jin Akanishi is my sugar rush

♥♥♥ I am the official paparazzi of Jin Akanishi ♥♥♥

Jin Akanishi
I want to hear your voice all day long...

I START MY NEW DIET OF YAOI & [ J ][ i ][ n ][ A ][ k ] [ a ][ n ][ i ][ s ]h ][ i

Listening to
Jin Akanishi
makes everything better.

↠ I totally own [ Jin Akanishi ] 's SEXY B R I E F S ♥ ♡ ♥ ↞

⌊ ೊ → Jin Akanishi ← is my ◊ sexy sexy lover ◊ and there's no other. ೊ

♥{ Jin Akanishi}♥
♫Somewhere, somewhere there's my precious only one♫
♪You're not all alone anymore hitori ja nai♪ ,br>
❤❤ I don't care how many people you're allowing me to claim...
I only want ONE and that's 『 Jin Akanishi 』 ❤❤

I love you
Not only for what you are
But for what I am
When I am with you
~ Jin Akanishi

» Jin Akanishi took me out on a date last S A T U R D A Y ;
and we had a lovely time at the →「 amusement park 」 ♥

Jin Akanishi's as bad as coffee

I can't live without him

Slurping slushies with Jin Akanishi is how I spend my ~summer afternoons~

In my crazy fangirling dreams
Jin Akanishi is my own
little kitten

In my crazy fangirling dreams
Jin Akanishi is my own
little puppy

In my crazy fangirling dreams
Jin Akanishi is my own
little bunny

I own
Jin Akanishi 』 ♡
and his
→ Sexy Lips ←


⌊Jin Akanishi⌋
Baby, I want to explode , I'm your LOVE ADDICT

Just free your mind ⌈Jin Akanishi⌋, become my love addict

I'm already a love addict
Come light my fire °♥Jin Akanishi♥°

°•Jin Akanishi•° is addicted to my love

I'm addicted to »»Jin Akanishi's«« love

Jin Akanishi came into my life and made it a miracle.

[ Jin Akanishi] and [Rachael]

Together FOREVER.

cute conversation that happened between
Rachael and Jin Akanishi
during one rainy afternoon

[Rachael]: the rain won't stop.
*Jin Akanishi holding the umbrella and slanted it slightly and look at me*
[Jin Akanishi]: so your shoulders won't get wet ne?
*Rachael shivers, hugs his arm and smiles at him*
[Rachael]: so sweet of you.
*Jin Akanishi blushes a little*
[Jin Akanishi]: i think i need to tell you something,
*Rachael tenses up a little*
[Rachael]: w-what is it?
*Jin Akanishi looks deeply in her eyes*
[Jin Akanishi]: i think i love you... soo much.
[Rachael]: ... i love you too.

and it all happened under the shared umbrella. ♥

°※I wouldn't mind being locked in a room with ∴ KAT-TUN∴ My evil fangirl dreams may come true!※°

Jin Akanishi » my favorite teddy bear to hug

Jin Akanishi
You are the one always in my heart,
Every time you call my name,
I will be there no matter how far.

彡Dear Johnny-san,

Can you Please inform (Jin Akanishi) to stop making my head explode!
Sincerely, (Rachael)-chan彡

If I get sick
and will lie in bed with fever
{Jin Akanishi} will bring me
cup of hot herbal tea

and I'll feel much better

[Jin Akanishi]
told me
If love is a labor
I’ll slave to the end.
I won’t cross these streets
until you hold my hand.

Jin Akanishi & Rachael
Gazing up at the sky together
we looked up and saw
a glimpse of heaven.
♥ Love ♥
I love being the center of [Jin Akanishi's]
dirty thoughts...
♫"I like your pants around your feet
the dirt that’s on your knees.
I like the way you still stay please
while you’re looking up at me."♫
…and he’s all mine. ♥

Jin Akanishi and I shared a delicious chocolate strawberry tonight...and more. ♥
Last night was the night
I fell for [ Jin Akanishi ]
All over again as he told me
♫ "A girl like you is almost impossible to find
& I'm glad I found you
so I'm never going to let go." ♫
...I'm all his.

After our RENDEZVOUS last night under the Stars
[ Jin Akanishi ] pecked me on the cheek & told me that
I was the P E R F E C T one for him.

listening to my voice mail messages at work, i get one from {Jin Akanishi}
"hey baby, it's just me, just letting you know you left your panties at my place last night, i'll be seeing you again tonight, right?"
maybe i shouldn't listen to my voice mail on speaker phone...

only {Jin Akanishi} knows how to make me drop my panties ... as well as the rest of my clothes

Jin Akanishi and my love
is as wild as the WEST
♥ [ Jin Akanishi ] ♥
What a lovely reason to take some time off from the school

Jin Akanishi let's me blow his pop

{Jin Akanishi} let me see his secret paradise, and much more!

I let {Jin Akanishi} see my secret paradise, and much more!

-Jin Akanishi- is mine and mine alone!!

♥Dressing up♥ is more fun when I'm with
Jin Akanishi
because italways ends up being a →strip show←

Jin Akanishi
A hundred hearts would be too few
To carry all my love for you

[Jin Akanishi] took my hand in his and said:
"I wonder if it’s okay for me to fall in love with you?"
All I could do was smile and nod before
he kissed me softly on the lips.


roll in the hay; make love; sleep with; get laid; do it; have it away; have it off; lie with; bed; have a go at it; bang; get it on; bonk ...
no matter how you word it ... it's my favorite thing to do with Jin Akanishi

I only want
kisses from [Jin Akanishi]

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear
In daylights, in sunsets
In midnights, in cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife
How do you measure my love for 『 Jin Akanishi 』?

Your 』 love 』 is like o x y g e n ◄ Jin Akanishi ► ‼

I'm still all hot and sweaty from the
『Jin Akanishi』 gave me ☆last night☆

my blogclaims master post

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