Sep 03, 2011 20:06
Thoughts on Naruto chapter 550:
Nagato sees what you did there.
KYAAA Itachi you are so awesome. :D Always ahead of the game, you genius.
N'AW <3 "You called Sasuke your brother, Naruto. This is why I felt that only you could stop Sasuke if the time ever came."
LOL at KillerBee's reaction. KB PITIES THE FOOL. >D
AW, Naruto, you cutie! How you've matured before my very eyes. ;w;
Too much...sweetness... -love it so much.
Thoughts on Naruto chapter 551:
Whoawhut? that Nagato? o.o Well hi thar sexy. >D
LOL Naruto you're finally catching on. <3
When your main character calls himself a moron and face palms, nuff said.
Sorry Naruto, but today's lesson from Nagato-sensei is "How to properly bitch-slap a Ninja".
XD Feels creepy, huh? That's your SOUL, dude. I take back the maturity comment. ^^U
Um, when did Nagato become a cyborg?
Oh the translators of KillerBee, ilu.
"hella strong" XD
Itachi points out your plothole and wonders what you did there.
Naruto replies with a sophistaicated "......" to Itachi's indication.
Just goes to show that if Itachi doesn't know it or can't figure it out, then there simply is no answer.
*misread 'good' as 'god' for a moment* o-o Wow, he admitted it.
I know Naruto is the main character but it looks like Itachi owns this place. For real.
LOL is Kishi dissing his manga in a allusional way?
I'm sure many fans would agree with this. xD
Oh yeah, gettin' to the finale. About time.
Thoughts on Naruto chappy 552:
Wait, wait, wait, wait...
Is Anko really dead? D: Cuz she's kinda just chillin' there...
Heeheehee, "Itachi's so skilled with kunai".
Yes, this is your series Naruto, not Itachi's, I understand. But you won't be any use to us dead.
Oh. Ouch. Comparing the hero to the villain.
AW MinaKush moment. <3
You are so wise Itachi. Teach me~ owo
This is a Shonen for Kami's sake!
LOL funny moment is funny.
Nice shuriken tattoo there, Ninja Fanboy.
XD That one guy slumped over made my day.
This is too funny.
"I told you! I told you already! That clam's a mirage too, you idiots!"
"Fuck you! Where is the real one?!"
Hi there Gaara, how's it going after that super dramatic moment that happened to you a few chapters back?
Thoughts on Naruto chapter 553:
And all the NaruGaara fangirls get excited.
Gaara, you look yummier every time I see you.
Awkward Naruto compliment is fairly amusing.
Gaara: What are you doing out here?! I told you it was safer back home! What will I do if something happens to you, huh?! I don't know what I'll do, that's what!
Naruto: Bu-but... I wanted to be a ninja too. D:
Now back to my favorite resurrected ninja not counting Itachi and his hilarious game of "Your Attacks Are Futile".
Saaaaasuuuuuuuke. =w= I think I just won 50 bucks on a bet. >D