You know something I find myself to be hilarious sometimes even when I shouldn't. If you can't handle my stupidity~ please do not read this entry 8D
After many nights on the phone with Dana discussing how we find it funny that some people claim they like a pairing but then down right take shots at it every time they have a conversation with her we have a full proof pairing. We find it even more hilarious because they like they opposing pairing as well and only seem to wanna have conversations with her over pairings. After becoming annoyed, vexed and holding our tongues this is all we have to say to you.... Or at least what I have to say 8D <----- [ <.< creeper face pffft...]
Ichigo x Qwilfish
Seriously. The stupidity over pairings has produced this. I support it completely. Expect an icon. Hell expect a signature. EVEN A FUCKING WALLPAPER 8DDDDDDDDDD
I hope every pairing in bleach dies.. I hope Orihime dies, Ichigo dies, Aizen dies, Gin dies, Ash dies, Misty dies, hell every other character dies. Fandom is like a ninja. It's swift and stealthy and fucking kills your pairings in the middle of the night while painting your walls in the characters blood.