Friends ONLY . . . . =^.^=

Dec 24, 2017 14:09

This journal is semi-friends and public use. If you wish to be friends, please leave your reason here. Just to tell you first I don't like back stabber. The net has no friends but if you're on my friend list, please have some respect and don't do stupid things like that.  Friendship aren't meant to be that way. Even if we couldn't be friends, at least we'll still be able to be courteous people when meeting somewhere else.

What is it about me that would made you want to friend me ? Really, I wanna know ^^;... Is it because we share some interest ? We're both crazy ?  Age group ? What ? Why ? Have we met somewhere outside of LJ ? If then what name do you go by ? Mutual understanding, if you add me, I might or might not add you back. Vis" a vis' I will not add you back if you don't write something here and add me first.

♡- RULES -♡

1) MUST LOVE 嵐 !!!!!
2) Play nice with my friends.

PS ::: If you don't write something here telling me why I should friend you, I will probably not know. I skip emails sent from LJ um yeah. I'm terrible at remembering things, short term memory person here :P so bare with me please.
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