I'm sorry it's so late.

Feb 06, 2006 17:24

Full Name: Sara

Age: Eighteen

Grade: (right now everyone is a freshman at Tenshi High)

Height: 5'9

Weight: toomuch.

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Skin Color: Pale

Dislikes: Mean people, Snakes, Sadness, Arrogent people, being alone,

Likes: Friends, Movies, Books, Music, Making graphics, reading about people, & so on.

Hobbies/ Interest: Listening to music, reading, drawing, making random craftish items, talking on the phone, writing letters [sometimes to noone], taking pictures of random objects.

Occupation: Works at a stupid store doing stupid stuff. && student.

1.) What does your character look like when they go too school: (a paragraph describing what they look like, face, hair, clothing) She wears the basic uniform, with few alterations, perhaps a few safety pins some places. She wears her black sweater with the kitty ears over usually [i'm always cold] She always carries her messenger bag with her. She never leaves home without a way to listen to music [ie:ipod]. You can always see her carrying her camera around with her, stoping often to take pictures of people and things. She's extremely shy so chances are you'll always see her walking head down with a slight smile on her face.

2.) What does your character look like when they are outside of school: (a paragraph describing what you look like outside of school, face, hair, clothing) She wears a variety of band shirts and usually jeans,at times she can be found wearing cute little lolita style dresses, unless she feels to lazy, in which case she just leaves her school uniform on. Her hair is usually pushed semi back with two little hair clips in the front.

3.) What does your character look like when they are at work: (a paragraph describing the work attire of your character) The uniform that work gives her is what she wears. Which happens to be a polo shirt and khaki pants. oh oh and her name tag :]

4.) Pictures of your character? (this is optional, but if you drew and picture please sumbit!)
Heh I cannot draw very well perhaps I'll post one soon enough.
Like later. >.<

5.) What anime character looks closest to your character? (Give the name of the character and what anime there from)

It wouldn't be from an anime but more like a manga. Which yeah.
She's from NANA

6.) What anime character acts closest to your character? (Give the name of the character and what anime there from)

[sorry i felt like making that picture pretty....]
She's so innocent that it's adorable.
& at times she can be perverted.
Which from her is cute.
I'm sorry this is extremely late.
I suck. :]
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