Crafts Are Awesome

Aug 14, 2010 13:25

Not much going on in life really. Same old day in & day out. That's fine though. I've had too much excitement & stuff so relaxing is just fine by me. Been pretty busy lately with lots of projects. I've been doing a lot of crafts & totally loving it. I've been doing sewing, clay work & Deco Den. No one really comes to my journal (thank goodness) so it doesn't really matter much if I add a link or not. If you wanna check it out, send me a message or something. I are teh lazy.

Stole this from baenigma because I was mega bored while waiting in queue for a dungeon on WoW.

Favorite song right now?
Sonata Arctica - Deathaura

Last movie you watched? Did you like it?
Baby on Board. Meh, it was mostly for background noise.

Three things that are super-annoying at the moment?
1. No new music to listen to.
2. My supplies not coming in the mail yet.
3. Being either too hot or too cold.

Three random facts about yourself?
1. I like cheese.
2. I really really want to get another tattoo sometimes very very soon.
3. My opinion about having children changes daily.

What was your first ship?
The titanic. Ha! Phoenix X Edgeworth I believe. Too hot not to love.

Three things that scare you?
1. Spiders.
2. The Dark.
3. Driving through bad neighborhoods.

Three things you wish you could be:
1. Thinner
2. Richer
3. Happier

Top five words/phrases you use?
1. Meow.
2. Hiss.
3. You vile scorpion woman!
4. I'll just bootleg it.
5. ...Wut?

Two things you're excited for this year?
1. Christmas.
2. Next year starting.

Your favorite ice cream flavor?
Chocolate Chocolate Chip.

Guiltiest pleasure movie?

What movie have you seen the most?
The Producers

What never fails to make you smile?
A pun.

Worst movie you've ever seen?

Best way to relax?

Favorite quote/lyric?
Your own fears will destroy everything
Envy consumes all, and "thou shall not..."
Though it hurts, I must tell you
"I am truly the One
...Behind it all..."

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter?
Spring & Autumn.

Say something to the person who tagged you:
No one tagged me but I'll say HAI GUYZ anyways.
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