Mar 23, 2005 19:20
I had the worst day, some stuff was good, such as my bestfriend in the whole world came and hung with me and jsut made me smile.
My dad is blaming me for somthing i never did or a friend of mine never did. And Haley was there. IT was bad, i hope she never has to see me like that again. I just feel so helpless when im like that, with my walls down, crying. I keept the crying to a minmun. I just never want her to see that again. Luckly Dad was not to bad, he was just upset. Later at home when we got home from guitar and dropped off haley, it was fucking hell, worse at the house than it has been in awhile.
I just i know i cant do anthing about it, so i am stuck. What the fuck happened to the effing camera card i dont know, i hope the god, i pray to him, the person i dont believe in to help me find that thing that means so effing much to my father. Then maby i wont be such a faliure.